Card: Great Temple of Tlazcotl

By Srgnt Kurgan, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Great Temple of Tlazcotl

(It's a Pyramid)

"Lizardmen units in a zone with at least 1 pyramid card deal +1 damage in combat".

So my buddy played Lizardmen and slaps 1 temple in Kingdom zone, 1 temple in Quest zone, and 1 temple in Battlefield zone. He then proceeds during his turn during battlefield phase to add +1, then +1, and another +1 to each of his attacking units in battlefield, saying that it says "in a zone", not in specific zone, so he can add all of the 3 card's bonuses...

I was like, no u can't do that.... Who was right?

And my second question:

Assuming he had 3 of those temples in battlefield zone. Would those bonuses stack? Or would it be just +1 instead of +3, since it says "at least 1 pyramid?"


These are just my thoughts, but I think you are correct on both. The phrase "in a zone" can't be isolated in that sentence. And stacking pyramids won't add more than one damage.

The Great Temple is unique, so you can have only one in play at a time. Using the Sun Temple and the Ziggurat (which each are unique too) you can have up to three Pyramids in one zone, but you still only get the effect from each one once. You get +1 combat damage if you have one or more Pyramids, not +1 per Pyramid.

If you could have multiple Great Temples in play though, the effects would indeed stack.