Fire Lanes objective Q

By halfyank, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I played this objective for the first time last night.

When it got to scoring who controlled the objectives at the end of the first rd, the issue popped up

Namely: "To Determine control of each token, players measure attack range and line of sight from each of their ship's hull zones as if performing attacks with battery armament targeting that objective token"

So. How many firing arcs do I use from each ship to the objective?

Is it One hull zone from each ship? Or max of 2 hulls zones, as if the ship is shooting it according to the rules?

I looked at the FAQ, and it justs addresses that firepower upgrade cards count, but effects cards do not provide extra dice, etc.

As many hull zones as applicable:

"as if performing attacks with battery armament targeting that objective token"

So that means one zone - possibly two if you can manage.

If the token happen to be on the border of two of your firing arcs, then you can fire at it with both arcs therefore you include all dice from both of those. That's unlikely to happen very often, so most turns it would be one firing arc.

You work out each token separately, so it's possible that a ship could add dice to more than one token, since you aren't actually attacking the token you're not limited to just using 2 sides of a ship. Theoretically if you had a ship that was positioned in the middle of 4 of the objectives tokens you would add the dice from each side of the ship to the respected token.

Edited by Gibbobobo

Alos, don't forget the range of the attacks. You could have two Gladiators sitting near objective markers, just outside of close range, and they won't contribute all those black dice they have. Meanwhile, your lone Corvette with a few red dice would claim the objective.