Direct Assault

By Lee418, in Star Wars: Empire vs. Rebellion

If a player uses the Direct Assault strategy card to add 2 points to their total resource value, have they "gone bust" if they exceed the current Objective value due to the effect of this card?

In a recent game my opponent fell foul of this and claimed that it didn't make sense and that I was interpreting the card incorrectly. Personally I think it was a case of "sour grapes." :lol:

So who's right?

Edited by Lee418

I'm pretty sure he busts. Direct Assault adds to his total power, so it can make him exceed the objective value.

Also, there is this line in the FAQ at the end of the rulebook:

"Q. Can a player choose not to resolve his

strategy card’s effect?
A. No. Each player must resolve his
strategy card’s effect if able."
I think this ties in directly with Direct Assault since essentially your friend saying they wanted the strategy card effect to be optional, but it's not.

Also, there is this line in the FAQ at the end of the rulebook:

Thanks, Budgernaut. I forgot the FAQ entry, but that confirms it as far as I'm concerned. "Bust!"

In my opinion that makes Direct Assault just as " thematic " as the other Strategy cards. Any direct assault is a double edged sword. It can win the battle. Or it can lead to a spectacular defeat.

Edited by Lee418

While we are on the subject of strategies that can backfire, I assume that the Deception strategy could also turn around and bite you? It's never happened to me so far, but I can imagine situations where one player may still win a round despite their best efforts to lose it. Some of the Events with low Objective Values and low Capacity can be really tricky sometimes if you initially draw a high value Resource card that you can't get rid of.


And in addition to losing to your card draw, you can also get outwitted by your opponent. There was one time where I played Deception and my twin brother totally called it so he was able to manipulate his cards to a smaller resource total than I could manage and won that round.