Guard Order

By mordak2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The guard Order seems to imply that the heros can walk up to a monster and hit it, put up a guard order, and if the overlord tries to move the monster away in his turn they get a free attack, I would have thought guard was against attacks not movement.

Guard allows you to interrupt the overlord's turn at any time, even before he/she draws cards and takes his/her regular conquest. So yes you can.

But since Orders take up half your turn, in order to do what you describe, you'd have to spend fatigue for your movement.

not sure I follow I thought you could move 4 spaces foward stand next to monster and attack it, then place guard order, adn then in OL turn when the monster tried to run away hit it again using an interrupt attack, I've not noticed any hero spending fatigue to place a guard order.

Mordak said:

not sure I follow I thought you could move 4 spaces foward stand next to monster and attack it, then place guard order, adn then in OL turn when the monster tried to run away hit it again using an interrupt attack, I've not noticed any hero spending fatigue to place a guard order.

Heroes can do one of four actions on their turn:

Advance: Move your speed and attack once.

Battle: Attack twice, but you receive no movement points.

Run: Move twice your speed, but you receive no attacks.

Ready: You can place an order during your turn, and you can either move your speed or make one attack.

Unless you have some relevant special ability, the only way to place an order is to perform a Ready action, which gives you movement equal to your speed OR lets you make one attack, but not both.

You can always spend fatigue for extra movement, regardless of your action.

If you have the Leadership skill, you could do that by spending 1 fatigue.

The Ready action allows you take two different half-actions. A half action is (a) getting movement points equal to your speed, (b) making one attack, or © placing an order.

If you were standing next to the monster, you could attack/guard, but not move/attack/guard (unless you spend fatigue to move).

Or, you could just play as Tahlia.

Thanks We have been messing up I think