New to the Game and like looks of NBN

By Aceius, in Android: Netrunner Deck Building

Hi there I am new to the game and its charm has already rubbed off on me so I decided to build my first deck and was looking for help on how to improve it just incase I made some bad choices.

I call this the Tag and Bag where I am trying to keep the runner tagged in a attempt to flatline the runner with a solid hit from Scorched Earth


NBN Breaking News


3 x Breaking News

3 x Explode-A-Palooza

3 x Restructured Datapool


1 x Gila Hands Arcology


3 x Melange Mining Corp


3 x Bandwidth

3 x Chimera

3 x Data Raven

2 x Information Overload

3 x Little Engine


3 x Anonymous Tip

3 x Closed Accounts

2 x Corporate Shuffle

3 x Freelancer

3 x Hedgefund

3 x Scorched Earth

3 x Shoot The Moon


3 x SanSan City Grid

53 Cards

12/15 Influence

Agenda Points 22

If anyone can make heads or tails of what I am trying to achieve here and can offer any better options please let me know ho wI can Improve on this . All comments are welcome

Cut down to 49 cards and 20 agenda points, first of all.

OK, so--Tag & Bag has been around for a while. It relies on putting the runner into a lose-lose proposition where they either have to accept tags or just let you score agendas.

To that end, there are several things to consider:

#1: pressure on the runner. NBN's primary way of doing this used to be fast advancing using Astroscript Pilot Program along with SanSan city grid. Put those two cards next to each other and think about the interaction. A runner under pressure has to be reckless, and can wind up dead. Unfortunately that plan is less reliable now that Clot exists.

#2: taxing the runner. Explode-a-palooza is awesome, and so is NAPD contract. They're both a credit swing in your favor, but the latter actually protects itself inherently from being stolen. Unfortunately a lot of Trace cards are a bit out of favor because it serves as a way for the corp to tax itself. Likewise Chimera might as well say "lose two credits every turn."

#3 tagging the runner. They're slippery bastards who hate tags on principle, and once the realize your're in the tagging game they get really hard to catch unawares. What you want is the ability to tag them that's under your control, and you've left out two of the strongest cards in your faction: SEA Source and Midseason Replacements. You don't need both, but you should be running at least two copies of one or the other. MSR works particularly well with Explodo, NAPD, and TGTBT, as hitting any one of those puts you in a better position to land a trace due to the credit swing. EaP is $5, NAPD is $4, TGTBT is $2 and a click to clear the tag it gave them

Good luck!

Edited by Grimwalker

Replace Gila hands with the new 1 point agenda that you can click out of the runners score area into your own. It is a much better 1 point filler.

Replace Gila hands with the new 1 point agenda that you can click out of the runners score area into your own. It is a much better 1 point filler.

It doesn't do that. It clicks out of the score area and back into R&D. Letting you click it into your own score area would be all kinds of broken.