Fort Bragg/Fayetteville area NC

By Meynolt, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Currently regular group of X-Wing players (league starts on 27 June) that is also expanding into Armada and IA. We are always seeking new players, or if you happen to be passing through stop by a play a game with us.

We have a League scheduled for the Summer, capping it off with an X-Wing tourney and an Armada Tourney toward the end of the Summer Season. We have an Armada Demo Day in the works (Date to be determined). Feel free to pop into the website and see what we have going on.

Hey I'm near Raleigh. If you guys have a big event maybe I can come down. If anyone on your end is interested in something this Saturday my local store is hosting its first tournament and trying to help everyone meet each other and build an Armada community.

I realize it's far away, but worth mentioning. Maybe we'll get a chance to meet sometime in the future.

Edit: Also, is the address for your store listed somewhere there? Or is it more an event by event kind of thing?

Edited by Boardy

The store address should be in the website. A few of us are attending X-Wing Regionals in Raleigh, maybe see you there. Also if you want to jump in on the site I would be happy to add your events to the calendar, the site is "sort of" store specific, but i am trying to gear it more to a local community.

My self and a good friend are very interested in joining the league, I sent a request to join the linked site!

Yup, you guys are good, see you Saturday at 11:00 am