RtL's Remove Curse in WoD?

By Macron, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is the town shop card 'Remove Curse' provided with RtL intended to be used when using the Dark Relics from AoD in a non-RtL game?

Edit: Oops, AoD, not WoD.

Macronx said:

Is the town shop card 'Remove Curse' provided with RtL intended to be used when using the Dark Relics from WoD in a non-RtL game?

Not to my knowledge.

Dark Relics (and curse tokens) are actually from AoD, not WoD. And AoD includes a shop item called the Curse Doll that is capable of removing curses.

Antistone said:

Dark Relics (and curse tokens) are actually from AoD, not WoD. And AoD includes a shop item called the Curse Doll that is capable of removing curses.

He means the RtL item that removes cursed relics, not curses. It costs 500gp.

I don't see why it shouldn't be used in vanilla. It is a shop item. Shop items from all expansions have always been used for all other expansions. It is also expensive enough to still be reasonable. The OL has already got a large part of the effect of placing a dark relic (preventing and/or removing treasures) and the hero has to get out of the dungeon and have a large amount of cash available.

Corbon said:

He means the RtL item that removes cursed relics, not curses. It costs 500gp.

You mean dark relics? Those items that are not in any way associated with curse tokens? That only use the word "cursed" in their description in order to contrast them with cursed items?

I didn't know they had a card like that in RtL. Probably not a bad idea, though that's a phenomenally stupid name for it.

Antistone said:

Corbon said:

He means the RtL item that removes cursed relics, not curses. It costs 500gp.

You mean dark relics? Those items that are not in any way associated with curse tokens? That only use the word "cursed" in their description in order to contrast them with cursed items?

I didn't know they had a card like that in RtL. Probably not a bad idea, though that's a phenomenally stupid name for it.

hahaha, yes (sorry).
That probably isn't the correct name for it.

Alternately he did mean the remove curse card that does exactly that (remove up to 2? curse tokens) for a cost of 200.
But I am fairly certain that the remove curse card came from a different expansion as there is only one city shop card that came with RtL, which is the card that removes Dark Relics. Hence my assumption that he meant that card although the name is probably totally wrong.

Indeed, I did mean the poorly named "Remove Curse" card from Road to Legend. It lets you remove a Dark Relic that you may have acquired. I accidentally typed a 'W' instead of an 'A' in the title (and my original post, before editing).

If there's a way to edit the title of the post, I'm unaware of it.

The AoD card is the "Curse Doll," which actually remvoes any effect tokens (up to 3) and costs 200. But it's clearly targeted at curse tokens, due to (a) the name, and (b) the fact that that's amazingly expensive for removing any effect other than curse. In The Enduring Evil , I replaced it with a Salve that has half the cost, no limit to the number of tokens it removes, and which is more flexible in when and how you use it, but it works on all effect tokens except curse.

Macronx said:

Indeed, I did mean the poorly named "Remove Curse" card from Road to Legend. It lets you remove a Dark Relic that you may have acquired. I accidentally typed a 'W' instead of an 'A' in the title (and my original post, before editing).

If there's a way to edit the title of the post, I'm unaware of it.

Woohoo! My confusion with the naming is FFG's fault. partido_risa.gif

And yes, I think that one breaks all records for 'Worst Named Card'.

Curse doll could be used to remove those annoying Web tokens if the heroes are in a real pinch. It is still very expensive and there are better things to spend 200 coins on.