Hero choosing House Rules

By Rwakelin, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Howdy Descent Fans!

Just wondering what house rules, if any, you've developed for letting players choose heroes. We tend to lean toward the RTL system of pick 3 random and choose one of those.

Anyone come up with any other ideas?


In our next RtL campaign, we are probably going to try allowing the party to pick anyone they want as long as the party conquest doesn't exceed 13. This will probably result in either a guaranteed hero victory or a much much closer battle.


Why do you think that the total party conquest has anything to do with how effective the party is? A party of all 4-conquest Heroes is one of the worst parties you could possibly have. Whereas a party of Nanok, Kirga, Landrec and Zyla is only 10 Conquest, and is probably pretty close to the optimal party for RtL (I would certainly win easily if I could pick this party). In general, having one or two low-conquest characters on the team is unbelievably valuable. In fact, I am 100% confident that if you restricted the Heroes to picking parties where the total Conquest is 14 or MORE, you would get much weaker parties than 13 or less.

To the original poster: the RtL method of 3-choose-1 for each Hero is indeed excellent. If you don't want to pick completely randomly for non-RtL quests, I heavily endorse it as the way to go.

It prevents a party full of 16 health characters, mainly. I definitely know there is the ability to create a fantastic party using these rules. If doing this means that people have more fun because they enjoy their characters, that's fine with me.

Still a fan of Runners, and a solid mix of the team, i chuckle at the 13-conquest limit as well.

Especially if you try to do it to prevent the heroes from becoeming to tough.

Wolfriderkobold (3, Runner), Valadir (3, Melee), Nanok (4, caster), Kirga (3, archer)

Is still a pretty optimal and very ugly team, considering that baseline Setup.

Valadir and Nanok can be interchange din roles however you like, might even consider taking Varikas for nanoks spot, and its still in your 13 conquest limit.

Atm we go with "pick whomever you like" though we houseruled a few characters conquestwise... (Kirga, Glyr, Zyla and Red Scorpion)

Truth be said, what Descent: RtL needs is rules to alter play in late silver and especially Gold, to prevent one-turn dungeon clears, and pointless avatar battles.

I guess Valadir might actually be useful in RtL, where he can use his ability more than once per attack, but listing "caster" next to Nanok gives me serious concerns about the accuracy of your post.