All Rounds from FCB's Live Regional Coverage are Available on YouTube and Right Here!

By Engine25, in X-Wing

Here is our interview with Hothie, which took place after Round 3. If you have friends or family serving overseas in the military, send Hothie an address so he can give our soldiers a way to pass the time.

Interview with 2012 X-wing World Champion Doug Ki…:

Thanks to all who tuned in! And congrats to everyone who won a prize on the show! We will be back on with more X-wing on Wednesday, June 10th. and

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4, Hothie Plays X-wing!

Round 5

Round 6

Quarter Final

Semi Final

And the Final Match

Edited by Engine25

I'm not used to watching cable news anymore. That ticker at the bottom really throws me off.

Cant eliminate unfortunately but the games are the important thing.


Good job talking for 12 hours! I watched a little bit live on twitch (socalxwing) and most of the games were pretty exciting.

Nice, I linked to this thread in the FFG Regionals results rather than link to each of the videos individually.

Thank you for posting these. I was able to watch a game or two on the day and it was awesome. The quality of the feed, the constant updated information and commentary, chat on the side .. Seriously, welldone and thank you.

Nice, I linked to this thread in the FFG Regionals results rather than link to each of the videos individually.

Sounds great! Also mention Doug's interview. I'd really like to help him get Let em Fly into motion.