Hey all,
I'm currently playing as an Unaligned Renegade in a new Black Crusade campaign. Today we had our first adventure. The party was composed of two renegades (one of which was myself), a Khornate Forsaken, and a Tzeentch psyker. The campaign is set on a Messia-style Mad Max world and we ended up in a large vehicle fight. Using my jump pack I started to take out the hang-gliding mutants providing air support, but then a heavy stubbier hit me with four Degrees of Success and forced me to burn Infamy. Unfortunately I rolled 20 infamy to burn and I only had an Infamy stat of 20, so I died. When I make my new character for game #2, how do I make him fun to play but also survivable, without going down the path of just spending all my XP on buying a load of Toughness Advances and Sound Constitution?