Making a cube 4 ufs

By K1NG94, in Universal Fighting System

i have a lot of ufs cards and i want to make a cube draft for 6 people. any ideas?

If you're gonna do it you should include some broken older legacy cards and some new stuff but mainly what your specific playgroup liked along your ufs playtime is what I would recomend

i built my cube with characters in separate packs drafted first. i did it for 8 people, so there are 80 characters, ten per pack and you draft to the left.

then for the cards for the decks i did it to where each person would get 4 15 card packs drafting left, right, left right.

it's best to play where symbol chaining doesn't matter, this makes it the most broken and fun imo.

i made it 480 cards total with ratios of like 200 foundations, 150 attacks, 40 assets, 40 actions, the rest splits etc.

cube drafting is hella fun.

Very nice!!! I will be building my cube soon! :)

Got any pics?