New GM to Deathwatch - it's in the bag (kinda)

By Mazer Rackham, in Deathwatch

Hello everyone,

New GM to pen-and-paper RPGs, but old hand at other titles, I would just like to throw out a thank you to everyone who has contributed to this forum and asked all the bazillions of questions I would have asked!

I have a real handle on this whole thing now and it is in great part to you.

Thanks everyone and I'm sure to report back as I go and hopefully answer some questions myself in order to help someone else.

See you round the forums,


Good luck with your games! :)

Good luck mate!

May the Force Emperor be with you!

Edited by Adeptus-B

Thanks very much everyone - well the character roll-up took all night, but the banter was great and everyone seemed to enjoy me setting everything out and getting the lore and scene all done, but blast me if I couldn't find a few things - I need you help, oh experienced people!

Where on earth are the Primarch's Curses for the Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Storm Wardens? Couldn't spot them anywhere....lend a guy a hand?

Thanks in advance,


Where on earth are the Primarch's Curses for the Blood Angels, Space Wolves and Storm Wardens? Couldn't spot them anywhere....lend a guy a hand?

Core Rulebook, p.280-281.

Much obliged to you Jargal, thanks for the swift reply.