Combined Reward & Penalty List

By Bremic, in Elder Sign

Has anyone got a combined Reward & Penalty list for this that includes both expansions. It's annoying having to refer to multiple rulebooks.

And by that you mean the meaning of symbols? Or a list of rew / pen card by card?

Edited by Julia

He's probably referring to the symbols, because he mentions referencing the rulebooks.

I don't see the problem though. There aren't that many symbols, and if you see one you don't recognize, you could look at the expansion symbol on the card to know which rulebook to reference.

Yeah, that's the reason why I wasn't sure of the OP's query: there is just a few symbols, mostly self-explanatory / matching other elents in the game. In many cases, it's enough looking at the back of the item decks to see the match

My question is about the meaning of the symbols. I have been teaching this game a lot, and have had a lot of frustration with new players not knowing where to look to find out what a symbol means. Once you have looked in two rule books and not found something, it gets annoying.

Symbols are usually listed at the end of the rulebooks. I imagine if someone has created such a list, it should already be posted on BGG. Sorry I cannot help more

The version 2 PDF of this file has a combined symbol reference for the base game and Unseen Forces.

Like Julia said above, the back of each rulebook also has a summary of all the symbols found in that particular set.