Question about uncontrollable urges

By chromesphere, in Mansions of Madness

*** Possible minor spoiler ***

Hi guys,

Finally getting some time to play this game (bought a few years ago).

Played our first game on the weekend and hit a snag.

I was Keeper for our game. It was the Fall of House Lynch scenario and I had 1 ability that could summon a monster, the maniac. But I could only summon the maniac on a 'sole' investigator. Sole meaning, must be in a room on his own. The investigators knew this so they stayed together. I had uncontrollable urges as well which stated I could move an investigator one 'space' but it was contested that space did not mean I could move the investigator out of one room into another. So I was hamstrung. I couldn't spawn the maniac because the 2 investigators were stuck together like glue always ending up in the same room and played the game almost totally uncontested (and won).

I'm sure I've messed up multiple rules here, the main question is, can you use UU to send a player to another room (adjacent to where they are standing) or only within the same room to an adjacent 'space'. I have a feeling this game changing definition of this rule will come up again in future games!

Cheers for any help!


Yes, you can send an investigator into another room.

Thanks Demozon, might explain why my task as keeper was near impossible :)