New Units for the "in-theory" expanshion which one day might be

By joh01687, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

I love the game but like most of us never play it enough and forever hope a 3rd expansion will one day come out. When Shattered Empire came out I thought they would have added 2 additional ship types. I figured a stealth ship and some kind of a hybrid would be added into the game. Instead it was the MU and Flagship. Now, a stealth ship i think would be very hard to balance and work correctly into the game. However, I think a hybrid ship could work. It might be a ship that doesn't have much on its own but with some technology can be above par. I'll give an example

Battleship: Cost 4 , Movement 1, Battle 7, Capacity 1, Sustain Damage

Benefits from: Hylar Laser V, Type IV Drive, and Status Capsules

I was wondering if anyone else had ideas for new unites that should be added into the game.


Cost 1 move 3 Battle 9


Cost 2 takes up 2 slots in carrier/warsun move 1 with advice fighter tech . Battle 8 can bombard unless PDS present benefits from fighter techs like cybernetics

Shield Drones

Cost .5 battle: N/A. Sustain Damage

Edited by Wick


Cost 1 move 3 Battle 9


Cost 2 takes up 2 slots in carrier/warsun move 1 with advice fighter tech . Battle 8 can bombard unless PDS present benefits from fighter techs like cybernetics

Shield Drones

Cost .5 battle: N/A. Sustain Damage

Shield drones seem a little overpowered. Would they be for invasion combat only? Mechanized Units by themselves have really changed the invasion mechanics for us with their sustain damage.

I like the bomber idea. It also would be a neat upgrade tech for fighters to allow them to bombard. I often play games without a single dreadnaught or war sun, and would love that option.

I agree. Shield Drones at the same cost as Fighters? OP. If they would cost 1 each, I could start to think about adding them.

The Corvette idea is nice, though. I could even consider either giving them a to-hit-value of 8 or a +1 bonus with Hylar V.

Bombers could possibly be an upgrade tech for Fighters. "Bomb pods. Cost:5 Prerequisites: Cybernetics. Your Fighters may now Bombard with a combat value of 8 (+any fighter bonuses.)"

Edited by Fnoffen

I love the game but like most of us never play it enough and forever hope a 3rd expansion will one day come out. When Shattered Empire came out I thought they would have added 2 additional ship types. I figured a stealth ship and some kind of a hybrid would be added into the game. Instead it was the MU and Flagship. Now, a stealth ship i think would be very hard to balance and work correctly into the game. However, I think a hybrid ship could work. It might be a ship that doesn't have much on its own but with some technology can be above par. I'll give an example

Battleship: Cost 4 , Movement 1, Battle 7, Capacity 1, Sustain Damage

Benefits from: Hylar Laser V, Type IV Drive, and Status Capsules

I was wondering if anyone else had ideas for new unites that should be added into the game.

Neither of these really are needed. Why? If you did add Stealth to this game. i assume you mean a ship who can move into a system and NOT have a PDA or ships able to attack it. You can accomplishment this with a Card in the game, or cards if you want variations on this. There are card making programs and thus you do not need to wait on FFG to make your idea a reality. Go for it. What functions or benefits would this stealth be? A single card would work.

OR a New Technology card that adds Stealth to existing ships. That seems a MORE logical and straightforward approach than creating/selling another expansion jus tto add another plastic piece.

A hybrid ship? What is the point? to make a cheaper costing ship with sustainable damage? Besides the inner cheese monkey screeming. I don't see why this is needed. You can, again, add this to the game. What function are you really really wanting? Sustainable damage? If so add a Card or New Technology you can buy. This would be like Stealth and some type of advanced upgrade on Ships.

In fact, I could see that: Advanced Technology which comes in the forms of new Technology cards you can buy and like the unique technology for each race they cost an additional amount beyond the normal amount and like the unique race tech are nice/potentially powerful technology options.

Therefore, Stealth and adding Sustainable Damage to your Cruiser/Destroyer both fit into that category. This way, if someone wants it, great play with it, and if not, don't use those cards. Problem identified, Problem Solved.

The only thing that I'd want to see added to the game would be more tiles.


Cost 1 move 3 Battle 9


Cost 2 takes up 2 slots in carrier/warsun move 1 with advice fighter tech . Battle 8 can bombard unless PDS present benefits from fighter techs like cybernetics

Shield Drones

Cost .5 battle: N/A. Sustain Damage

Shield drones seem a little overpowered. Would they be for invasion combat only? Mechanized Units by themselves have really changed the invasion mechanics for us with their sustain damage.

I like the bomber idea. It also would be a neat upgrade tech for fighters to allow them to bombard. I often play games without a single dreadnaught or war sun, and would love that option.

Perhaps the shield drones are OP, but also notice that they have no attack stat. They would be for space combat. Their Battle would be: "N/A" So they are similar to fighters but absorb more damage and cannot cause damage. Boosting them to a cost of 1 may be reasonable or cost 2 with only taking 1 slot on a carrier or warsun.

One big issue with them would be how really OP they would become with the Barony's Euclidean shields and Duranium armor techs.