Shadow of the Imperium House Rules

By Cogniczar, in Dark Heresy House Rules

As the Mandragora Sector continues to get fleshed out in my campaign (and beyond), i've begun to write up some house rules in collaboration with my players. I'll be listing them here as they are actively developed.




Gael Secundus (Askellon Sector)

Narlia's Caress (Askellon Sector)

Edited by Cogniczar

Nice Job, I steal them to you if that is okay?

Absolutely ok, as long as you let me know how they do. =P

I keep revisiting and tweaking here and there, but for now good enough for a random psycho-ninja mock battle. I only sent the callidus after a party so far (and to be honest, I was guest gming a different group, not mine. tee hee).

I have one comment (i didn't read them all in details); shouldn't the psyk-out grenades do something like 2D5 psy rating damage, wich get back at a rate of 1 per hour; they are supposed to neutralise the psychic powers of psykers also. Tell me what you think, but seeing how strong psykers can get, I think it should be "hardcore" as grenades. I prefer that to damage. Otherwise, nice interpretations of the Culexus, it lacked personality, now it has much.

Probably, but the rules for the psyk-out grenades were already detailed in The Navis Primer, Rogue Trader on page 117. I just copied that bit of wargear. =D

Notably, psyk-out grenades are also detailed with a different set of stats in Enemies Within. That version puts down smoke which reduces psy rating, nullifies attempts to cast powers, and which may even trigger psychic phenomena on an unlucky psyker in the effect.

I just got enemies within and ****, time to update. lol

Haha, nothing useful to recreate something that alreadys exists.