Beginner box set out already out??

By Issumar2380, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

I found on Amazon that Funagain games has it in stock. What the check??

i checked the website. it's still a preorder. but it's only $24 compared to everyone else's $30. so that's cool.

24 is good. 20 is better.

(Both CSI and Mini Market have it for 20)

And $30 at my FLGS is best (for my conscience and sense of community, if not my wallet).

See they have it in stock!!!!


FFG event center called me today to say I can come pick my pre-order the box set is in stock at the store.

Thank you again for your purchase, your order was shipped on 06/16/2015.


Just pick this up at my LGS. I skipped the beta so I am interested to see the additions to the game.

This makes 7 sets of dice for me. I think I am good on dice, but I still need the AoR beginner's game so I guess I will have 8 eventually. I hope my Star Wars tin can handle that 8th set. It's pretty full now.

Here is what I store my dice in.