General Dodonna correct rules?

By testrogue, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I've seen two versions of General Dodonna, one in the gamebox, and one on the the FFG site.

The online reference of Dodonnas card is listed as this :

The printer card (at least mine), is listed as the following:

"Before an enemy ship is dealt a faceup damage card, look at the top 4 cards of the damage deck, place 1 on top of the deck, and discard the others"

He is also listed as 20 pts, and not 25 as the web reference image.

Is their a ruling somewhere stating which is correct?

I sort of feel like the web version makes more sense, as his ability would apply to a enemy ship ending movement on an asteroid, and it doesn't seem like the spirit of the rule.


What it says on the card is the only thing that matters. All preview images are subject to change.

That means that yes, the rebel player with General Dodonna can in fact look at the top 4 cards and hand one to the other player if they take a crit when on an obstacle.

Edited by VanorDM

The Card is right. The Photos on the FFG site are just previews and they can change the wording sometimes before release for balance issues.

Way better than them waiting a year or so after release to put out an Errata to fix a mistake they saw coming.

This is also another reason why players should not use downloaded pdf's. The rules very possibly changed from the preview to release.

Edited by Beatty