Hey Guys,
Well what can I say, I personaly had a fantastic weekend and as I said the only reason we came up was to see you guys for what we thought was the last time. I guess that no longer aplies as Phil and I are back. I want to take the oppertunity to thank you all again for being quite possibly the best player base in any CCG in the UK, You all made the weekend that much better and I had an awesome time just chatting at the Chinese and after at the hotel with Joe and Beven and the others. As for the tournament itself I'm afraid my memory is...well lets just say I spent the summer landing on my head but I do know that I had some awesome games, Games that also helped bring me back into the game. I must admit I have no clue how I made 4th place after being out for a year and not playing with the deck before. I just went with throwing attacks over and over as it seemed to be the best plan. I must admit that I thought I was going to lose to Bez's Bishamon deck in the top 8 as after our game in the last round of swiss I was convinced I had no answer to it at all but in the end it just came down to throwing attacks at it (lots of them). But this isn't the point, I was glad just to have the chance to play you guys again and have a good time doing so.
Except for you Kyle and your silly reanimated shinanagans:P
But seriously you guys rock and thanks to Steve and Kev for keeping order among the chaos.So yeah cheers for a great time and my congrats go to our new champion, Joe you are a great player, an awesome guy and a deserving champion. Well done.
Also just so you know Team M will be at the nats in full force with the return of Scott "Inquisitor" Mence himself, Yes he has said he will make his return at teams:)
So til then
Your resident wrestling wolf