New Game Mode

By TWMitchell, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

I have an idea for a way to play Armada. Have two teams of 3 and each person will build a 300 point fleet. But the catch is they all take place in the same universe so teammates cannot use the same named upgrade and another teammate, for an example Teammate A and Teammate B both can’t have Luke Skywalker, but Teammate A can have Luke Skywalker and Teammate B can have Wedge Antilles. Then they play 3 separate games all at the same time, with different objectives, and when the objective is finished or the opponent is destroyed that player can move their fleet to the starting area of one of their teammates to assist them in finishing theirs. I would love to hear others opinions on this or more ideas to make it better or even other ways to play the game.

I love the idea of unique card limitations across the team!

I would love to try playing it like this but i can't find really anyone in my area that plays armada.

I also love this idea.

I'd take this a step further and rather than allow the winner to go to the starting area of their team on a different game, I'd say you go to an adjacent game. In addition to that, depending on which game you decide to join, that will decide where you start on that map.

Game 1 Game 2 Game 3
Empire Rebellion Empire Rebellion Empire Rebellion

If Game 2 finishes first, and the Rebellion won, they could move their remaining forces to the rebellion starting area of Game 1, or flank the Empire in Game 3 by moving into the Empire starting area on Game 3. The game numbering would be fluid. So Game 3 is adjacent to game 1 and visa versa.

Love the basic idea, however, the problem with something like this is timing. What if one game finishes playing and the other games are on turns 2 and 6 respectively (to use an extreme example)? It kinda breaks the immersion.

If you limit things so that all 3 games must complete a round before any of them move on, you get bored players (who will forget the strategy they were planing). There is also the issue that, if you play with objectives per the standard Armada rules then all of the games should end at the same time.

If you can work out those issues (and find 6 people willing to devote the time to it) I think it would be a lot of fun.

I would love to try playing it like this but i can't find really anyone in my area that plays armada.

Come play on Vassal, then!

I would love to try playing it like this but i can't find really anyone in my area that plays armada.

Come play on Vassal, then!

What is Vassal?