Is this game dying?

By Jedlington, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

Not a lot of movement on the boards recently (despite Regionals happening everywhere?!?)

I hope there are still people out there playing the game.

I think FFG need to keep the interest up and lead from the front (not a whole lot of announcements lately and we haven't heard anything further on the Nids).

My local meta is getting smaller and smaller - The main reason seems to be that FFG focus on other projects (X Wing and AGOT anyone?) and neglect Conquest...

What Neglect? There has been a new release every month without interruption. We have a whole new faction announced and already have spoilers for the first pack of the next cycle. The meta has been shifted considerably with the first cycle of Warpacks, AM is now winning tournaments and every faction has a chance of being competitive with the right deck build.

Cheers for the referral over to CardgameDB. Does look like there is a bit more life over there.

Game is not dying. I agree that cardgamedb is where all the action is. I actually like these forums better but hey, whaddya gonna do. I run an OCTGN league and we went from 14 players for the winter season to 52 for the Spring season. This is alos a good way to play and be part of the community even if your local meta is small or dying (mine is small here in Kansas City). I'd say it's healthy!!!

I am a member over at CGDB but do not post over there. Have no problem with the community but the layout and site design leave a lot to be desired.

^ likewise. :)

Me and a friend got into it but stopped playing due to the obnoxious broken stuff in the game. If someone gets 3 orbital drop platforms and runs that warlord that returns to HQ after it attacks and triggers a ton of battle abilities there isn't really anything you can do unless you're running something equally as broken. Then there are some obnoxious cards like Exterminatus or Indomitable or Doom or Warpstorm.

Expensive creatures can just get burned down by 2 Goff Boyz and aren't worth the resources you put into them. Swarms of cheap creatures aren't good either because of area effect and obnoxious stuff like Warpstorm.

Then you get command and your opponent just Ork Cannon's or Dakka Dakka's all your stuff.

There seems to be a lot less of your creatures actually battling in this game and more just sledgehammering someone with abilites until they die. Half the time I lose this game it's because I'm geting crushed by some obnoxious card abilty as opposed to actually losing battles.

15,000 action steps that I still don't know. At least X Wing made it to wave 4 without breaking. Conquest is broken right out of the core set and Wave 1.

Edited by ParaGoomba Slayer

Swarms of cheap creatures aren't good either because of area effect and obnoxious stuff like Warpstorm.

Then you get command and your opponent just Ork Cannon's or Dakka Dakka's all your stuff.

Planet wipes are really important, without them there would be no way to make a comeback in a dire situation

The ork kannon deals one damage TOTAL

Edited by Wilhelm Screamer

Then you get command and your opponent just Ork Cannon's or Dakka Dakka's all your stuff.

Just talking about Dakka Dakka, it's got a pretty huge cost. You have to play it before you pass, which, if unprepared, could give your opponent plenty of time to get units back. Second, it exhausts the warlord. In the deploy phase, that's pretty big. It means that he can't auto-win command struggles at planets with enemy units (AND warlords provide no command icons themselves). It also means they have to survive the entire first round of combat before getting a chance to retreat. So as powerful as Dakka is, it has a pretty sizable cost.

Me and a friend got into it but stopped playing due to the obnoxious broken stuff in the game. If someone gets 3 orbital drop platforms and runs that warlord that returns to HQ after it attacks and triggers a ton of battle abilities there isn't really anything you can do unless you're running something equally as broken. Then there are some obnoxious cards like Exterminatus or Indomitable or Doom or Warpstorm.

Expensive creatures can just get burned down by 2 Goff Boyz and aren't worth the resources you put into them. Swarms of cheap creatures aren't good either because of area effect and obnoxious stuff like Warpstorm.

Then you get command and your opponent just Ork Cannon's or Dakka Dakka's all your stuff.

There seems to be a lot less of your creatures actually battling in this game and more just sledgehammering someone with abilites until they die. Half the time I lose this game it's because I'm geting crushed by some obnoxious card abilty as opposed to actually losing battles.

15,000 action steps that I still don't know. At least X Wing made it to wave 4 without breaking. Conquest is broken right out of the core set and Wave 1.

I disagree whole-heartedly and I would bet so does most of this forum. I do not blame you, however, for ending up in this conclusion! When I played my first 1-2 games I also felt that certain factions are just bad and factions like Space Marines roflstomp all over the place. However, with enough cards and experience (as well as excellent data from CGDB) I've found out that I was wrong.

Now, let me go this point by point.

1) If the enemy Aun'shi gets 3 Orbital Cities, he's broken. Emphasis, IF. Your average deck you draw from is 50 cards in size. This gives each particular card aprox. 2% chance to be drawn. Since most games end well before the bottom of the deck has been reached the chances of getting all three are extremely small. I feel lucky if I draw 2 Orbitals, not to mention 3! Therefore, you cannot evaluate entire factions or Warlords based on card luck. Yes, the Orbital City is a powerful effect but when you face Aun'shi without it, he will crumble because he's actually one of the weaker Warlords.

2) Expensive units are indeed a liability but they are not supposed to be played willy-nilly at the first planet whenever one appears to your hand. If you ever play an Elite, you usually try to save it for last so that your enemy cannot play tricks around it. In Conquest, it is important to withhold as much information about your plans from your enemy as possible and if your opening move is to play a Cost 4-6 unit to the table I will be glad since I know you will loose the Command struggle. Of course, I am not saying that some units wouldn't suck. Some indeed do. It's the nature of just about any game to have good things and bad things. This seems to be just about unavoidable. As for hordes of cheap units, they are usually the way to go. There are very few effects in the game that allow your enemy to hit you in the HQ and Chaos Warp Storm is one of the few there is. Exterminatus can wipe you out, but it can be avoided if you do not play too many units on Planets beyond the first one.

3) If your enemy can magically just pull out Dakka Dakka's whenever needed, he certainly plays a different game than I do. While most Ork units have 2HP or more, do note that if he intends to cut down your Command units he will also inevitably annihilate some of his own as well. And if he played a 3-5HP unit that can survive Dakka Dakka to give him Command, he didn't clearly have a good Command phase to begin with and you are obviously still winning on the resource department. The Ork Kannon's 1 indirect damage can be negated with a single shield and while the card is very handy to have for Orks I'd never call it broken.

4) In most games that I play, by the time we've played carefully towards the final planets (we usually win at 5th or 6th), we have about a dozen units and attachments down on the deciding planets. Most factions cannot wipe that kind of fire- and staying power with a single card. Iniative of course also plays a big part as does your Warlord and faction.

5) The Action windows are listed in a picture on one of the pages in the Rules Reference book. They are not that difficult to figure out and their basis is that general Actions can be played just about at any time. Remember Iniative order when you start playing Actions and remember to adhere to the card text (i.e. no Combat Actions in Deploy Phase)

The balance of the game is not 100% but certainly it is not broken either. Some of the newer Warlords have a weaker game going for them but the Core Warlords and Warpack-lords up until Aun'shi are starting to have plenty of tricks and weapons in their arsenal. Zogwort and Urien Rakarth have to wait for more toys in the future expansions. Which also brings me to my point, what faction do you play?
