Spending Fatigue and Stun

By GreenTea, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Playing un-expanded Deccent last night... came across this.

If a player character has been hit in the previous round and stunned, on the new round, can the player character spend 1 fatigue to move one space and then declare a battle action (for two attacks), even though they are stunned?

Being stunned means that you only get a single half-action--you can move your speed, or make one attack, or place an order. Under no circumstances can you battle while stunned.

You can spend fatigue to move even if your action doesn't give you any movement points (for example, if you declare an attack half-action while stunned, or a battle action while not stunned), but you have to declare the action first (this prevents you from changing your mind when the overlord plays a trap on you, for example).

Spending fatigue to move so that you can make more attacks is an important hero tactic, but it's not without its risks.

Thanks for the reply!!