Arvel Worldwalker

By CanadianPittbull, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Did other folks get a misprinted Arvel card? I noticed her section headers on her card are missing. They are blank not a big deal just makes the card look incomplete.

Yep, mine is incomplete too. Never noticed it until I checked after your post.

Well good to hear I was not the only one to get a card like that. :P

I posted this scan on another thread over the weekend:


I'm considering posting a fixed version on Curse of the Monkey God.

Do tell, what is "Curse of the Monkey God"? Is it a Descent fansite, because if it is, I'm all over it.

Yeah, mine is like that too. How unfortunate. I wonder if FFG will be offering a replacement hero card due to this mistake, they are usually really good at this sorta thing.

sputang said:

Do tell, what is "Curse of the Monkey God"? Is it a Descent fansite, because if it is, I'm all over it.

The site is still a work in progress.