Seems like we've been in the car forever ...
Are we there, yet?
No. Now sit down and be still! Don't make me turn this car around! If I have to stop this car, our next stop will be yourbutt beltsylvania!
Hey Dad, lil' bro threw my shoes at the window.
A mile back.
I've accepted how long the drive is going to be, but I still find myself wondering if its not to late to have a fiery crash.
Cervantes3773 said:
Hey Dad, lil' bro threw my shoes at the window.
A mile back.
D'OH! Why you little...!
An actual release date instead of "Not yet released" in the online store section of this site would be nice.
I know a few FLGS who are getting fed up with waiting for any news of a release. Thye know as much as we know.
I am not trolling at all. FFG is a big enough compnay to indicate SOME sort of date. A ballpark one, a reason, ANYTHING.
Last I heard it was hopefully before the end of the month... that was from FFG customer services
Very cagey about stating actual dates for some reason, quite disturbing actually...
If the books were printed in China, there could be a problem with customs or the actual shipping of the books to the states. I've seen it before.
Maybe Chaos demons have stolen the entire Rogue Trader ship that was carrying the books out to the warp?
darklament said:
If the books were printed in China, there could be a problem with customs or the actual shipping of the books to the states. I've seen it before.
Yeah. I hear there can be quite an issue with international shipping if you aren't exactly precise with all the taxes and forms that need filling out prior to shipment, during shipment and after they get to US customs.
Thats why you should do it in either England, or in the states. Tariffs maybe a little higher in some areas, but it could be worth the trouble of not having to greese some china mans hands.
lets hope the support for the book is better when ever the hell its out, this best not be some mad dream, RT will be out at gencon, lol, FFG your sssoooo funny. next time don't give dates you can't back up, you've been doing this for so long you should know better, here's an F-
Hope we get there soon. I need a pee!
Play a game to pass the time?
Baldrick said:
Hope we get there soon. I need a pee!
Play a game to pass the time?
Well, it sure as hell won't be WFRP 3E. Can you imagine all those bits strewn all about the car? And we'd all die when the driver had to interpret his die rolls from tthe bajillion tiny symbols on the dice...
Luther said:
Baldrick said:
Hope we get there soon. I need a pee!
Play a game to pass the time?
Well, it sure as hell won't be WFRP 3E. Can you imagine all those bits strewn all about the car? And we'd all die when the driver had to interpret his die rolls from tthe bajillion tiny symbols on the dice...
Now thats comedy!
steamdriven said:
lets hope the support for the book is better when ever the hell its out, this best not be some mad dream, RT will be out at gencon, lol, FFG your sssoooo funny. next time don't give dates you can't back up, you've been doing this for so long you should know better, here's an F-
But dude it was out at gen con, you just didnt get one of the first run of copies... Neither did I for that matter *cry* It was just sold out before we got any. So see it as waiting for the 2nd printing of a very popular product, little easier for you to swallow that way
...Anywayy.... Dad I'm HUUNNGGRRYYYY!
I've got a game that says Warhammer 40,000 on it with the subtitle of Rogue Trader but it's very old & from a company called "Games Workshop". Huh??? Does it count?
Anyway can we play that Dad? I just need to paint my Eldar Army in the back seat.
***starts shaking spray can***
Wait...whats that...on the horrizon...its there i see it
Talex said:
Wait...whats that...on the horrizon...its there i see it
Only if you finish your plate! Then you'll get a lollypop.
OT: Got a delivery date of mid Oct for RT. Looks like this ride is taking longer than I thought...
Baldrick said:
Talex said:
Wait...whats that...on the horrizon...its there i see it
Only if you finish your plate! Then you'll get a lollypop.
OT: Got a delivery date of mid Oct for RT. Looks like this ride is taking longer than I thought...
Really cause my CE status is order shipped, douse this mean the CE and the normal books are actually being released at different times
I just got my CE shipping confirmation. The book is wheels-up and inbound on my position. Est time of arrival, tomorrow or the next day. That is all...
Amazon uk are telling me october 6th to the 9th despatch for me!!! Can't wait.
LITTLE CHEF? are you trying to give your children food poisoning????
Time to have desert for me! Pancakes with unlimited ice cream!
***few mins later***
BLUGH! Dad I feel sick!
OT: My copy should be delivered in the next few days but it might take a week to get to me???