My UK Nats Report

By Nemesis15, in UFS Uk Forum

My Nats weekend started on the friday morning, we arranged to meet Paul at 3 near joes work to head to Leicester I got in nice and early to avoid having to rush around. I met Joe, Alex, Drew and Fiona in Pizza Hut were we all had a nice meal before me and Joe headed to nats. Once we had finished we said our goodbyes and we then headed to Joes work to wait for Jonathan and Paul..

Once Paul had arrived we loaded up his with our bags and we then headed out of Colchester and towards Leicester, The journey there was quite a laugh what with Joe and Paul singing and me and jonathan generally having a laugh..

We arrived at Leicester at about 7.45pm, once we found the hotel we got ourselves booked into our rooms and we then headed to our rooms to relax and unwind from the long journey, then after we unwound we decided to get a drink from the bar and wait for Kyle and Oliver who got the train. After about 20 mins they arrived, Now we were all there we could just chat for a while and relax knowing that the shop was a short walk from our hotel. Once we had all finished our drinks Joe and Kyle met Sam Smithers for a drink and chat during which myself, Jonathan, Paul and Oliver headed to our rooms to relax and do some final deck testing. Luckily we had some good TV channels in the hotel so there was some films on when we got back to our room.. Dodgeball being one of them, so me and oliver went to the resteraunt and ordered a Pizza before the film would start..

We got back just as it was starting which was awesome, so we had Drink, Pizza and a Movie it was awesome evening. Unortunately we felt pretty tired after that so we decided to go and see Jonathan and Paul for a little while, during which we just chatted for a little while soon after we were all pretty tired so we felt that we needed to get some sleep...

The next morning we all met in reception at 9am, it didnt start until 10am but we decided to get some breakfast before. On the way we saw some familiar faces from other play groups, we arrived in good time to see people arrive and chat before we headed into the shop. Once we had all been registered the 2009 UK UFS Nationals began..

Round 1

Me (Nagase) VS ?? (Ukyo)

Game 1

Having played Ukyo before I knew the deck he was running. I got a strong foundation base out he keeps swinging and swinging but nothing hits, unfortunately I get too many foundations and as I went for kill I milled myself..

Game 2

After milling myself I sided into Hilde to go aggro. Annoyingly he was packing strifes patronage which he got out early so I had my work cut out for me, luckily I managed to force a low 24 for 29 having hit him during his turn..

Game 3

Since Hilde was proving very I kept the deck as it was and went for as fast aggro as I could. But much to my annoyance I needed 1 dual weilding which would give me the game but time was called on the round and the card I checked on the attack was a Dual Wielding..

So 1-1 draw

Round 2

Me (Nagase) VS Matt Hewiit (Hilde)

Game 1

We both get a good foundation base but then more and more undercover agents were coming into play which would hazardous for anyone.. His was going for Hilde routine One Hit Kill but I had to much dmg redux out, During the following turn I hit him with a low 22 for 5 using Deadly Ground so he drew 20 and I drew 22 luckily I drew into all copies of my amys assistance and torn hero. All I had to do is hold him off until he milled having just drawn 20 cards, which eventually lead to me winning game 1..

Game 2

There wasnt much time left for a 2nd game so me and played out what we could, after my second turn I had enough dmg redux to hold Hilde off..

1x Win 1x Draw

Round 3

Me (Nagase) VS ?? (Victor)

Game 1

Since one of the players in my play area had a Victor deck I knew this had to be similar to his. Luckily an early A cats reflexes would help me in holding off his Mentally Unstable + Mega Spike shenanigans.. Luckily for me I had enough dmg redux to hold of anything he through at me. Since he couldnt kill me and I couldnt kill him the game ended in a 0-0 draw..

1x Win 2x Draw

Round 4

Me (Nagase) VS ?? Heihachi

Game 1

Having seen this deck in the previous round I was a bit nervous.. He begins to fire out 10+ dmg turn 2 and carries on and on unitl Nagase was beaten and broken.

Game 2

I manage to get all of my control peices out but no dmg redux which is what I needed to survive against Heihachi, but I couldn't get the stuff in time and he proceeds to bash me around face some more..

1x Win 2x Draw 1x Loss

Round 5

Me (Nagase) VS Oliver (Zi Mei)

Game 1

I get antisocials out early and a Cage Arena which lead to more and more dmg redux, Since Oliver has Zi Mei I knew I would have to get as much dmg redux/control out as fast as possible which would cause him to throw 3 fully multiple Fury of the Ancients at me in 1 turn, unfortunately for him I had enough to reduce to dmg I took. Which soon after lead to him milling

Game 2

With 10 mins left Oliver went 1st and a got foundation set up. Luckily for me I got a hand which consisted of 2x Amys, 1x Cursed , 1x Cage Arena 2x About Face and a Tag Along.. So if he drew a Fury and played it I would have been safe from dmg, which helped me to win the match..

2x Win 2x Draw 1x Loss

Round 6

Me ( Nagase) VS Paul King (Kyoshiro)

Game 1

He begins to play more and more draw power which in the long run will hurt more than help you. During which I got enough dmg redux to hold of anything. Causing him to Mill

Game 2

He sides into Fio which wasnt a problem in the slightest since Nagase loves to have momentum, he throws more and more attacks at me but during which he is giving me more and more momentum which makes his attacks dmg a bit redundant. I drew into Heel Snioe but I only had Deadly Ground but no Flashy Leg Work. Luckily next turn I did but instead of Deadly ground finishing him 3 Antisocials did the job..

3x Win 2x Draw 1x Loss

After all the rounds had finished I was ranked 14th which I was quite impressed with unforunately not good enough to top 8 but still a good performance..

I will post more later...

Nemesis said:



Part 2 of my UK Nats 2009 report

Once we had all heard the top 8 Joe organised for everyone to go a nearby all you can eat chinese resteraunt which was cool, once everyone had arrived we all sat down and had a good meal between about 30 people the bill was rather large. Once we had finished our meal and paid some people went to the pub and some went back to the hotel to recover from the long and tiring day..

Me and Oliver had a prior engagement to watch Jason X on film 4 at 10.50 so on the way to the hotel we stopped at Tesco Express to get some Milk and Bourbons. Once we got back it was about 10.45 so went to our room and began to watch the movie and enjoy our Milk and Bourbons..

Soon after the movie started Oliver began to feel very tired so he decided to crash for the night, I carried on watching the film late into the night until I passed out from being so tired..

Once we woke up the next morning we got all of out stuff and headed to Pauls car to load our heavy bags, once that had been taken care of we headed to mc donalds for some breakfast, soon after we arrived more and more people from cornwall and sheffield arrived aswell which was cool. When we all finished breakfast we all headed to the shop to continue with the rest of the weekends festivities..

When the top began Me, Jon, Paul and Oliver didnt some last minute testing before the Mini block tournament began, since Joe and Kyle were in the top 8 there was a possible chance they would have to play each other at some point..

The Mini block tournament began with me playing a guy who had only just started playing so I figured I would go easy.

Round 1

Me (Jin) VS ?? (Astrid)

Game 1

I go first and get some heavy dmg in early and then draw into a Blazing Fist..

Game 2

He goes 1st and gets a good foundation base out, but I got 3 mischma family bloodline buy turn 2 which would allow me to get the cards I need to eventually Blazing Fist for the Match

Round 2

Me (Jin) VS Rob (Bryan)

Game 1

We each get some foundations out early and the Bryan begins the vomit mass dmg, not much Jin could do against it..

Game 2

I go 1st and get some for the money and a Jin out which I then drew into attack after attack whearing him down..

Game 3

He goes 1st he starts swinging turn 2 and does some hefty dmg so I retaliated in my next turn, but during my next turn i drew 0 attacks giving Rob the window to throw attack after attack at me causing my defeat..

Oh well I may have been knocked out round 2 but I still had fun..

Back to the top 8 after hearing Joe and Kyle where winning there semi final matches I had a strong feeling they would ply each other in the final, which it did..

I did video the final but unfortunately I cant seem to upload it to my computer but I will as soon as I can..


Doing Well with Nagase

Seeing all the familiar faces

The Venue

The Hotel

Colchester Final


The Journey being so long

Being knocked out round 2 in the mini block tournament

Being tired on the sunday