Elite pilot training

By Nosilloc, in Star Wars: The Card Game - Rules Questions

I've probably missed something but if I have two elite pilot training out and a hand full of two cost black squadron fighters do I only have to pay for the first one and the rest are free?

Yep, nice combo if you can pull it off.

Wouldn't this be possible (in the unlikely event you draw them all in one hand):

The Hand:

  • 2 x Elite Pilot Traing (2 Cost)
  • 4 x Black Squadron Fighter (2 Cost)

The play order:

  1. First play one Elite Pilot Training for 2 resources
  2. Next play the second Elite Pilot Training for 1 (reduced from the first EPT)
  3. Play the remaining 4 BSF for free


And with the objective out those card (Elite Pilot training) become resources as well. As do a lot of other cards. Resources are not hard to come by if you build the deck right. Then again, if everything is focused up, nothing left to attack, but you can play a ton!

Quite possible. Then you have to hope that you have Fel out to give them some edge or you'll never win an edge battle. ;)