Multiple Creatures with Fear/Terror ratings

By valvorik, in WFRP Rules Questions

I can't find a rule on what happens if PC's encounter more than one source of fear and/or terror

E.G. , one creature with Fear 1 fine

(a) That creature plus another creature with Fear 1?

(b) A Fear 2 and Terror 2?

Making only the worst check means a Terror 2 alone is as scary as with other sources (not good), making multiple checks is a bit tiresome.

Did anyone ever ask about this or find a rule?

I think I would go with "make worst and add misfortune dice = total fear or terror ratings of others".

E.G. (a) is Fear with with a misfortune die, (b) is Terror 2 with two misfortune dice.

I can see where you're coming from but part of me just thinks. Scared out of your wits is scared out of your wits :)

If you're not happy with simply gong with the worst (ie highest terrror) then I'd say your misfortune die is not going to be a game changer. But then I'd be wondering why 2 creatures at fear 2 are not more than four creatures at fear 1 (factoring in misfortune die). Or would you give extra misfortune for additional creatures? Anyway sounds like your games are gonna get real scary really quickly, which speaking as a GM is no bad thing :P

Edited by Noelyuk

I think the fear/terror check is against the target type and you roll against the highest, terror before fear.

I do not know what comes first a fear 2 or a terror 1.

Your basically just checking you character isn't running in fear. Failing a terror 2 creature and passing a fear 3 creature, doesnt seem likely you stay to fight the fear 3 while the terror 2 is nearby.

Hope this reply makes sense. Picked up some flu type bug and my common sense decided to take a trip to fever land.

Edited by DurakBlackaxe

Easiest solution might be to just combine the ratings, selecting the highest value from each? So in a fight iwth a Terror 1 monster and a Fear 2 monster you do one Terror 2 check? Allthouh adding Misfortune for additional enemies also sounds like a good idea.

Thinking on this in a more sane mind. *Sigh* I hate fevers.

Looks like they have to make a check for terror, then a test for fear.

But in a group of Fear monsters, its the highest fear, and in a group of terror monsters it be the highest


Group 1

Fear 1

Fear 2

Group 2

Terror 1

Terror 2

Group 3

Fear 1

Fear 2

Terror 1

Terror 2

So if you meet group 1 it be a fear 2 check only

If meet group 2 it be a terror 2 check only

if meet group 3 it be a fear 2 and a terror 2 check.

The reason for this is the penalty if they fail is harsher on a fail of a terror.

So I think you can only have a max of one fear and one terror in an encounter, until a higher rating comes into the combat as a surprise, then a recheck needs to be done.