Does anyone know if fantasy flight has ever thought of just making and selling upgrade card packs. What do I mean by this? I bought 2 core sets I figured that it would be cheaper than getting one and then adding the additional ships, also none of my friends have the game so kind of need the 2 to have a full game. Now wave 1 is out and if you buy the corvette or the neb B you get more upgrade cards and Mon Mothma. I really do not want to go out and buy a corvette set just for the upgrade card I want to save my money for the new stuff that I do not have yet. So where does that leave me if I want use the upgrade cards? I went online found a picture of the card and printed it off. I know I would not be able to use it in a tournament but I doubt I would ever be in one. I would prefer the cards from Fantasy Flight so would be nice if they had card packs or something that would be cheaper to buy.
I know friends that collect x-wing that do the same thing. They can't keep up with all the expansions or are not going to buy the elite being pack just for the upgrade cards so they do the samething. Thoughts?