Confused on Combat

By ialsoagree, in Forbidden Stars

So I just read the new preview for combat and I'm very confused.

During the 2nd round of combat, following the resolution of all cards, the Ultramarine player has 4 bolter symbols (1 on a die, 1 on the ambush card, and 2 bolter tokens from the ambush card).

The Eldar player has 3 shield symbols (2 on dice, 1 on the striking scorpions card).

I would assume that 4 bolters - 3 shields = 1 damage, yet the article says: " Both sides remain unharmed and relentless battle continues."

So how is damage determined? Is this an error in the article or does the Eldar player negate the 4th bolter some how that I'm not seeing?

The damage inflicted (1 damage) is not enough to destroy the unit. If the damage is lower than the damage capacity of the unit, that unit is routed and not destroyed. But "the routed Scout cannot activate the ability to rout an Aspect Warrior", so, being the Aspect Warrior unroutable, then nothing happens

But 1 damage IS enough to destroy the unit. Aspect warriors only take 1 damage to destroy.

" Aspect Warriors are fragile, slain if they take a single point of damage"

The text should say 3 instead of 4 bolters. The Eldar Striking Scorpions " also force the Ultramarines player to lose a die. He chooses to lose a bolter-icon.png "

The text should say 3 instead of 4 bolters. The Eldar Striking Scorpions " also force the Ultramarines player to lose a die. He chooses to lose a bolter-icon.png "

...and now that I re-read the text and looked at the pictures I see that I missed the bolter symbol in the card... So yes, 4 bolters. Only explanation is that the Eldar cheated, but then again, that's what they always do ;)

But 1 damage IS enough to destroy the unit. Aspect warriors only take 1 damage to destroy.

" Aspect Warriors are fragile, slain if they take a single point of damage"

Right. Then nope, there's something wrong

Looks like they updated the article. Makes sense now. Both Eldar units die, the Space Marines win the combat.

Okay, great, I was so confused. Glad it was just a simple mistake and not me misunderstand something obvious.

Plus, it would have been awful if the Eldar had won.

I can DEFINITELY see a first play through going long as people try to figure out how the cards work and counting up all the symbols. I'm not sure the imperial aquilla makes that much sense to me as what it's supposed to respresent exactly, but overall it looks cool. I'm sure once you get use to it and learn what everyones cards are it'll go fast. :lol:

Dre2Dee2, I believe the Aquilla is a tie breaker at the end. If both players still have units on the planet after all combat, whomever has the most Acquilla symbols wins.

I think I misread the sentence, this, missing something. :P

Edited by Xraysteve