Storm of Chaos

By Tiny Ogre, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all,

Its been a while since I spoke to you last but it has been a long summer. My next quest is up on the website it's the 7/25 in the Storm of Chaos series it's called Honour Amongst Thieves found under WoD+Custom. Hope you all enjoy

Tiny Ogre demonio.gif

Hi TinyOgre.

I remade your Spiridons Curse scenario's map with TileSystem. I could send it to you. If you'd want, I could remake more of your scenarios. They all got huge potential. I also could do some proof-reading. I hope you still read these forums. :)

Hi Noir

I very much like the idea of the new editor even though it means I have to do the first 12 Quests again yet I am grateful for the offer of you doing the Quests again for me I would prefer to do them on my own with some adjustments. However, I would be extremely happy for you too proof read my stuff and give me ideas how to improve my stuff even for future Quests.

Tiny Ogre demonio.gif

Hi all

Here is a list of the first 12 Quests already done yet not on the new editor as yet!

1. The Spiridons Curse

2. The Silent Temple

3. Barrack of Beasties

4. Shattering Glacier

5. The Nagas Library

6. Factory of Old Terror

7. Honour Amongst Thieves

8. Council of Thieves

9. Are You Familiar?

10. The Griffons Keep

11. The Amphitheater of Magnificent Bloodshed

12. Drowing in Royal Sewage

To find these Quests at the moment go the the Descent Quests area on the website then WoD+Custom. The Best Quests are 3, 5, 9, 11 and 12

Tiny Ogre