Here the news. Orders described in detail, finally
New Preview up!
Good to see it's different (
) in comparison to Starcraft.
Am I the only one that wishes the infantry units were little figures instead of flags?
Certainly not, Sebly! ^^
Am I the only one that wishes the infantry units were little figures instead of flags?
They dont do that because that would be too.. awesome! No, but seriously, I think it has something to do with FFG are not allowed to compete with GWs own tabletop figures, or something like that.
It would be so cool to have tiny tiny squads of space marines to move around though!
Am I the only one that wishes the infantry units were little figures instead of flags?
no Sebly,i am disappointed and "meh-like" about FFG's choice to put flags instead of a bunch of figures for infantry units.
overall i red about the game, it seems interesting and good till now, hope it will remain so or even better.
Am I the only one that wishes the infantry units were little figures instead of flags?
They dont do that because that would be too.. awesome! No, but seriously, I think it has something to do with FFG are not allowed to compete with GWs own tabletop figures, or something like that.
It would be so cool to have tiny tiny squads of space marines to move around though!
hi Primarc, so why FFG chose to put same look like figures for: battleships/cruisers, titans, tanks(SM one and ork one)?
they look like the same as the original ones of the 3D wargame,only more little....stll dont know why they chose this line..
Am I the only one that wishes the infantry units were little figures instead of flags?
I KNOW, I didnt like it much in TI3 and its a little lame here... I will obviously need to load up on EPIC figures
I do have a copy of Horus Heresy and that has little Space Marines and Chaos Marines. Doesn't help on the Ork and Eldar front though.
Troublemaker Games sells 6mm Orks and Onslaught Miniatures has some 6mm Dark Eldar that might work.