Campaign question: Threat increase

By Tracker1, in Rules questions & answers

Just got Treason of Saruman.

The last heroes i used during TRD were Sam, Aragorn, and Gandalf.

I chose Sam as the captive, and Aragorn is now the Fellowship hero. That leaves 2 open hero slots if I keep Gandalf.

So, Will I get the threat penalty for selecting 2 new heroes when playing campaign rules, even though I've been somewhat forced to open up these 2 hero slots?

I wanna say you don't get the penalty for Aragorn? It's in the rule insert for sure. Your captive is in play and you don't replace him with another hero. You're basically playing 2 heroes and Fellowship Aragorn.

No threat penalty, it does say in the rules insert that you can replace Aragorn specifically without getting the +threat.

You can't change Sam though, he will be the captive hero in your Uruk-hai quest. You will play that quest with only 2 heroes (3 counting Fellowship Aragorn).

Then once you get to Helm's Deep, you can change anybody you like without +threat.

Okay thanks, missed the part about the captive hero. Was too excited to play.

I just can't resist.

Seems like someone is back on track.