The road darkens scenario: The great river + Followed by Night (burden)

By peke12, in Rules questions & answers

I have a situation when playing the third quest of the Road Darkens: Breaking of the fellowship.

The active quest card is: The great river.

it says: Enemies get +2 defense and cannot be engaged. Skip the encounter phase.

During questing, I reveal the burden card: Followed by Night. it says:


when revealed: Put the topmost enemy of the encounter discard pile into play engaged with you."

What happens now? do I only resolve the surge effect?

Yeah, the enemy will not engage you ("cannot" wins). I suppose that card will remain in the discard pile. Just resolve Surge.

Edited by GrandSpleen

I don't get it. Why not process the "when revealed"? In general, no nothing says not to do so. Also, the quest reads: "cannot engage", but Followed by Nights reads: "put in play (allready) engaged with player". So even if the engaging is preventet by the mission, the when revealed says nothing about engaging, but engaged! I there is a difference, as far as I interprete the wordings.

Enemies put into play engaged with a player counts as engaging them.

As per the Samwise Gamgee ruling a while back, which states that his ability will trigger off that method of engagement.

Enemies put into play engaged with a player counts as engaging them.

As per the Samwise Gamgee ruling a while back, which states that his ability will trigger off that method of engagement.

Where is this ruling? I've been wondering about this a lot.

It's in the FAQ:

"Q: If an enemy is put into play directly engaged with me, has that enemy “engaged” me for the purposes Forced effects or Responses that trigger from engaging an enemy? A: Yes. An enemy that enters play directly engaged with a player has engaged that player."

So for this topic, because putting an enemy into play engaged with you counts as "engaging" that enemy, and in this instance enemies cannot be "engaged," you will not have any enemies engaged with you after resolving Followed by Night... the attempt to put the enemy into play will fail, and it will stay in its place in the discard pile.

I guess, I played this part wrong then.

And it brings some missions to a new level (for me) then - at least with Mabulung :P : there are some quests where the big boss enemy stays in the staging area but counts as engaged with the (new) first player each round. technically that is then also engaging.

Sorry Flrbb, but in the same FAQ they also ruled that there is a distinction between "considered engaged" and actually engaged. If an enemy is considered engaged from the staging area then there is no definite point in time when the engagement occurs (because it doesn't actually occur at all) and therefore there is no opportunity for triggered effects like Sam's to activate.

I think Grandspleen just :ph34r: ´ed my likes, just by copy-pasting the ruling I referred to.

Good people have turned to the Dark Lord for less insults ;)