Dumb question: exact location?

By ChrisLS2, in FFG World Championships

Just to check: will the World Championships be held at the FFG Games Center, or another location?


There is actually a whole paragraph dealing with that question in the post concerning the Championship weekend at https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2015/5/18/ffgs-2015-world-championships/

Just to quote:

Why Is This Year’s Attendance Being Capped?

The tremendous growth of our World Championships over the past few years demanded that we make a challenging decision about where to hold our future World Championships.

We could move the World Championships to a convention center or another large venue. However, if we did this, we would be forced to shed many of the personalized touches that have made our World Championships a special and memorable experience for attendees. Or we could continue to host it at the Fantasy Flight Games Center and limit attendance for the event.

We spent a great deal of time considering the advantages and disadvantages of all our options. In the end, we decided to keep the World Championships at the Fantasy Flight Games Center. Just like when we first made our decision to move the World Championships to Minnesota, we decided that our first priority was to focus as much energy as possible toward the quality of the event we’re running.

Hosting the World Championships in our own backyard at the Fantasy Flight Games Center allows us to give the event as much attention as we possibly can. It allows us to work with our international partners to ensure the participation of multiple National Champions, making it a truly global event. It means we can host your games in a space designed specifically for gaming, with bright lighting, clean tables, and immediate access to food and drink. Most importantly, it allows us to devote our utmost attention to our tournament games and every member of the fantastic, close-knit community of players that participate in them.

So... tl;dr: It's at the Games Center

Yup, it's at the Fantasy Flight Games Center, in Roseville, Minnesota.

1975 County Road B2 West.

From the announcement of the World Championships...

We spent a great deal of time considering the advantages and disadvantages of all our options. In the end, we decided to keep the World Championships at the Fantasy Flight Games Center. Just like when we first made our decision to move the World Championships to Minnesota, we decided that our first priority was to focus as much energy as possible toward the quality of the event we’re running.

Hosting the World Championships in our own backyard at the Fantasy Flight Games Center allows us to give the event as much attention as we possibly can.

Edited by Raine

There is actually a whole paragraph dealing with that question in the post concerning the Championship weekend at https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2015/5/18/ffgs-2015-world-championships/

Thanks! I expected it to be somewhere obvious, like say in the opening paragraph or section. Just one of those "well, this is really important" kinds of things.

Kudos to your superior reading comprehension skills!