Just saw this, looks cool

By Peacekeeper_b, in Tannhauser

Im a role player (Dark Heresy, DC Heroes, WFRP mainly) and play Warhammer 40K. But this game intrigues me.

Is it good? Is the background good/detailed or is it just a few paragraphs? Would it be a cool RPG Setting?

Are the minis cool? How fast does FFG release new material for the game?

The game is very good and the Background is superb , it's the main reason I'm into the game and the only reason why I've stuck around.

OK ! Here's the HEALTH WARNING !!!

This is an English language of a French game. The French producers are slowly and I mean very slowly expanding it . There are plans for an RPG versionsometime in 2009/2010 - possibly.

Now to the biggest open sore for fans of this game. The English versions of the game expansions were originally promised for mid 2008 and have been steadily pushed back first to 3rd quarter 2008 then Nov2008 and now to Dec2008 with a nasty rumour - via a German website - that they've pushed them back till Jan/Feb2009. There is basically at least a 1 year delay between French release and English release.

The French have just released a further expansion and a non-collectable card game based in the Tannhauser universe - but don't expect to see these till late 2009 or sometime in 2010 or at all who knows.

The fan created stuff that has and is being created does a brilliant job of making up for the lack of official material. A lot of it is discussed and shared in the old forum and this new one.

You have been warned. The frustration felt over the delays is palpable and could be damaging to your health.

You'll dig it like a grave!

Great story, LOTS AND LOTS of great fan made stuff.

Game system I find rather addicting, very unique. Path finding system is what got me into this game.

Not a wide range of official characters, but there is a wide range of tokens that makes the game play fresh.

Like all games there is an element of luck to the game, but you can work around it with your squad build.

overall I give the game an 8.5, could give it a 10 but delays by FFG hurts the game. Boooo

A plus for TH is that there are a lot of manufacturers putting out 28mm minis for Alternate/Weird War II (Secrets of the Third Reich, Darkson Designs, Rattrap Productions, to name 3). That means the Tannhauser stuff can be mixed with these others to customize your gaming experience.

I for one got tired of no new products from FFG, so began using the TH minis with my other stuff for miniatures gaming.