Treasure Card Drawing - Clarification

By joshuapavon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I've read the rulebooks for original Descent and WoD (which is all I have so far) and also the Errata.

I understand that players can only draw from Treasure Card Decks AFTER they have opened the corresponding treasure type in-game already.

However, for the "basic campaign" described on the front of the Quest Guide for the original game, it appears to say to me that heroes may purchase treasure cards during the beginning.

I interpret this to mean that during "normal play" heroes may only purchase treasure cards after they have opened that corresponding treasure in-game. And, when playing "basic campaign" heroes may only purchase treasure cards 1. At the Start and 2. Afterwards, only after they have opened the corresponding treasure.

Do you think that is correct or no?

Thanks very much!


That's correct.

But I wouldn't recommend to play the basic quests in that "basic campaign"-manner because most of the dungeons are created to start them with weak heroes. So the dungeons might become too easy if the heroes start with additional equipment and/or training.

(Of course, in some of the dungeons from the expansions the heroes could use some more stuff right form the start.)

I think I speak in common sense when I recommend the Road-to-Legend-campaign if you want to play the game in a campaign-style.

Well, the rule that you can't buy treasures until opening a chest of the same color was added in the errata. I think it's likely that the basic campaign rules were written before that existed and no one bothered to think about how they would interact. Very few people seem to use the basic campaign rules.

Allowing heroes to buy copper treasures right away when playing with basic campaign rules would probably be reasonable, but I don't think I'd let them get silver or gold treasures, unless the basic campaign rules let them start with those anyway (I don't remember for sure). I think the rule is mainly there to prevent the heroes from saving up their money and buying gold treasures before they should have them (especially if the quest doesn't have any gold chests at all).

joshuapavon said:


I've read the rulebooks for original Descent and WoD (which is all I have so far) and also the Errata.

I understand that players can only draw from Treasure Card Decks AFTER they have opened the corresponding treasure type in-game already.

However, for the "basic campaign" described on the front of the Quest Guide for the original game, it appears to say to me that heroes may purchase treasure cards during the beginning.

I interpret this to mean that during "normal play" heroes may only purchase treasure cards after they have opened that corresponding treasure in-game. And, when playing "basic campaign" heroes may only purchase treasure cards 1. At the Start and 2. Afterwards, only after they have opened the corresponding treasure.

Do you think that is correct or no?

Thanks very much!


My current group is making their way through all of the quests from vanilla, Well of Darkness, and Altar of Despair (and maybe ToI also) before we start the real fun in Road to Legend. We are about half way through WoD and have used the basic campaign rules since about quest 5 of the base set. I think your interpretation is correct and that is how we played it, though technically the errata was published after the basic campaign rules. However it does not specifically say that basic campaign rules are void. Anyway, I can tell you that it does not cause much of a balance problem for two reasons. One, there is a boost for the OL related to the average level of the heros which makes a big difference early in the game. Two, when the heroes can actually afford a silver draw, It will cost them most of their money and if they don't get the perfect item they are shafted for the start. The only thing I can not speak from experience on is how well it works with level 4 heros (5 consecutive wins) as the heros in my group have never gone more than 4 quests without a loss.