Hi all, first off I have to say I'm extremely jealous o fall you lucky buggers that already have your hands on a copy of the book.. Congratulations
and it's to you "book owners" that I target this question.
I have a player in my gaming group who has been looking forward to playing an actual Inquisitor for a long time. Now I know the Ascension book comes out soon and that will "open the door" so to speak on the official side of that aim but we are likely going to be playing Rogue Trader by that time. So the question is this..
Is their anything to stop having an Inquisitor as part of the Rogue Trader group?
Would the Rogue Traders authority on ship get all contested by having an Inquisitor on board?
Or is it just the case of coming up with an idea that will work?
Obviously certain of the Ordos wouldn;t have any reason to spend extended periods of time beyond the rim... but I can just see an Extremist of the Ordo Xenos jumping at the chance to spend time "gathering Intelligence" steeped in the filth of the Xeno's themselves....
Any answers or comments?