A note about Mayday Games plastic sleeves

By Lord Foul, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I ordered a boatload of the purple label "Standard USA Game Size Sleeves" (56mm x 87mm) based on the compatibility .pdf on their website. I'm sad to report that these do *not* fit Descent cards correctly as advertised. They are too tight width-wise and not quite long enough to cover the length of the card. I have tested samples from all 20 packs to make sure I didn't just try a bum pack. The sleeves would need to be at least 1-2mm longer in both dimensions to fit, and usually a little extra at the top is preferred. The blue label "Euro Game Card Sleeves" (59mm x 92mm) would appear to be the appropriate size. I hope this assists others in ordering the correct product.

I think you miss-read something, You are supposed to get the "GREEN" Standard American Board Game Sleeves. It is listed on the PDF that these are the ones to use for Descent and its various expansions.

I know this because I sleeved up my entire Descent game, and I haven't had any problems with them, they were a perfect fit.

Hopefully you can return those sleeves and get the right ones.

EDIT - sorry mate, i thought you were getting the ones from FFG....in which case those are green that you need. I didn't read the Mayday.

I spoke to customer support at Mayday and they are shipping me 20 of the blue Euro packs right away, with return shipping label for the existing product - Grade A customer service. The person I spoke to did mention that he had discovered the size discrepancy over the weekend and was just about to make a post to their website about it. It seems that the cards for Descent and a couple others are actually larger than the 56x87mm spec listed by FFG, and the sleeves had been made based on that data. They are revising the purple label sleeves to reflect this new info. The existing sleeves do fit a number of other FFG products perfectly, such as Kingsburg.