Hamletic doubts! Please answer!

By zarikaz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all,

I played Descent RtL not from long time... but i'm at my third campaign and I play often... but every time my friends and I play, we meet a series of doubts which we can't resolve reading manuals.

1: What happen when a monster is activated, starts its movement and then is hitted by an attack with web or stun abilities before its turn is ended? Lingering effect checks at the beginning of monster's activation... End its turn immediately (in case of web its movement) or can it continue its turn?

2: When a dungeon is ended, can the heroes restore their fatigue or can they do that only after an encounter?

3: From the FAQ's: "If the OL cycles through his deck twice in the same dungeon level, the heroes are ejected from the dungeon and are forced to flee it". Is this right also for the last level of Legendary Dungeons and Rumors?

4: If 2 Lieutenants start their turn into the same city, can that city take 2 siege tokens in that turn?

5 (the most important, cos i think i wrong every time i played): Can the OL spend 2 threat tokens to add a power dice on an attack or to move a monster 1 space also into dungeons or only during encounters?????

I really hope some of you can answer to my questions and so help me.

Thanks very much for your kindness!

zarikaz said:

1: What happen when a monster is activated, starts its movement and then is hitted by an attack with web or stun abilities before its turn is ended? Lingering effect checks at the beginning of monster's activation... End its turn immediately (in case of web its movement) or can it continue its turn?

2: When a dungeon is ended, can the heroes restore their fatigue or can they do that only after an encounter?

3: From the FAQ's: "If the OL cycles through his deck twice in the same dungeon level, the heroes are ejected from the dungeon and are forced to flee it". Is this right also for the last level of Legendary Dungeons and Rumors?

4: If 2 Lieutenants start their turn into the same city, can that city take 2 siege tokens in that turn?

5 (the most important, cos i think i wrong every time i played): Can the OL spend 2 threat tokens to add a power dice on an attack or to move a monster 1 space also into dungeons or only during encounters?????

1) It's been debated elsewhere on the forums. I'll let others summarize the arguments. Personally, I say that web would end its movement but a stun only takes affect the next turn. Others may/will disagree.

2) It's in the FAQ, page 11:

Q: Under what circumstances can the heroes trade items, drink potions, and recover fatigue?
A: In addition to the normal in-dungeon rules for trading, drinking and resting, any time the hero party is on the overland Terrinoth map, they may freely trade items and drink any number of potions. They also are restored to full fatigue as soon as they end any quest, be it dungeon or encounter.

3) According to the FAQ, that does apply to the last level of Legendary and Rumor dungeons. We have house ruled that it does not apply since that rule is mainly there to stop people from hanging out in dungeons and letting the OL gain experience to advance the campaign. My heroes don't game the system like that. So as long as they are "moving forward" and attempting to complete the level, I let them stay.

4) Yes, each lieutenant may add a siege engine if they were there at the start of the week.

5) Only during encounters.

zarikaz said:

1: What happen when a monster is activated, starts its movement and then is hitted by an attack with web or stun abilities before its turn is ended? Lingering effect checks at the beginning of monster's activation... End its turn immediately (in case of web its movement) or can it continue its turn?

This is an interesting one. Technically they should only effect a figure at the beginning of their turn. Though it doesn't make sense for a webbed figure to carry on running around. Then again, a webbed figure can be moved around by the telekinesis skill. This is illogical, unless they are only webbed around the legs and not webbed to the ground. Then again descent isn't the most logical game, after all, you can grapple a flying ghost but not be able to hit the ghost with a melee attack.

I also say that a webbed monster stops moving immediately (but may still attack if it happens to have a target in range.) Normally I support the paradigm of playing the rules as written regardless of how much sense they don't make, but in this particular case the true RAW is a bit muddy and has been subject to debate in the past. Lacking a clear-cut answer in the rules, I prefer it when things makes as much sense as possible.