Part 3 of the kit. Taking another look at the death merchant.
So too many words too much points for a single upgrade. Got to fix it.
So looking at the Death Merchant on Wookiepedia and saw the captain as well as some comics of the captain Arns Grimwalker. So looking for some art that doesn't look like the cheap villain knock-off from centurions.
So remaking the Death Merchant to 30 points upgrade bar removes <cargo><cargo and gains <hardpoint><hardpoint><team> and a firing arc.
As for Arns Grimwalker 15 point <crew> Scum Only GR-75 Only, [Energy] Once per round you may spend 1 energy to make an attack with a <hardpoint> secondary weapon outside your firing arc at range 1-3.
and since I am making crew upgrades as well in adition to the 5 titles crew might as well have a look at the Captain of the Vasudra also.
Mispelled the name Vasudra, also took this oppertunity to change the card art instead of what some might recognize as the Luminous from Empire strikes back.
Edited by Marinealver