Managed to pull off a resounding Khorne win last night. Here's what I learned.

By Gorehammer, in Chaos in the Old World

This was my third game of Chaos, I had previously played Nurgle and won, and the game after that I tried Khorne and came in dead last. Last night, myself and two buddies got together to bust out a game. They had both previosly played, one as Nurgle, now playing Slaanesh, and the other as Slaanesh now playing Tzeentch.

First let me say, that I think 3 players is a huge boon to Khorne, since corruption is slower, and there are fewer targets. With Nurgle out of the picture Khorne can gang up on Nobles and Warpstone for some serious tick denial.

Also, a massive contributing factor to my win was some bad moves on Tzeentchs part. First, he went right away for a Dial Victory, completely eschewing building up corruption. With 8 cultists, I think corruption should always be part of Tzeentchs strategy. Second, because the two warpstone got deployed in both the badlands and norsca, he spent the entire first turn building a chain of cultists from one to the other, giving Khorne a super target rich environment.

Having played Khorne before and trying to figure out a way to win, or at least not come in last, I completely focused on killing. The first thing I would do every round was stall by either dropping a cultist or a 0-1 point card. The next six points generally were used to summoned bloodletters every turn. The only cards I really ended up playing were Blood Frenzy and Blood God's Call.

The last game I played, I made the mistake of trying to swing battles/dominate areas with cards, but domination doesn't really help point wise all that much, and spending power on things that don't kill turned out to be a waste. I also made the mistake of taking the powerpoint upgrade first. This time I went straight for the Bloodletter upgrade which lets them strike first. This turned out to be a massive boon.

The Old World cards were the next thing that really tipped the balance for me. The last game I played, the Old World deck kept spitting out heroes and I had to basically resummon Bloodletters every turn, which as you might imagine, is massively bad. This game however, the Old World cards were Greenskin Invasion, Up From Skavenblight, two different cards that placed peasants and Dark Elf Invasion. These were really sweet for me, since nothing impeded the killing, and nothing really gave either Slaanesh or Tzeentch an edge. So basically free to roam around the board, a started building up dial ticks and denying ticks/corruption by always killing cultist, not giving a stuff if their warriors killed me back. Pretty fluffy for Khorne actually, He who cares not from whence blood flows.

The dice were rolling about average, with only one really crazy occurrence of me rolling 3 sixes in a row on a single die, completely wiping Tzeentch out of Norsca.

Once I got the second and third upgrade card, I feel like I had the game locked down. I grabbed the power point and the cultist upgrade, effectively expanding the number of dice I was rolling every turn by four.

So, basically, what I learned is that when playing Khorne the best strategy is the one that is dead obvious. Focus on killing. I thought that when I picked up the game for the first time, the winning strategies wouldn't be called out so obviously. But it turns out killin' is my bidness and cousin, bidness is boomin'.

Khorne's strategy is pretty straight forward. However, he can pick up quite a few points through Domination. The Blood Thirster upgrade and The Skull Throne chaos card can really help with this.

Yeah, I realize that now.

The first game I played with Khorne I tried to be all underhanded and sneaky, but that doesn't really play to his strengths.

Yeah, some of those tricky domination cards allow him to snag some of the "VP" rich areas on the board easily. A lot just depends on your opening hand if you would be able to make a dash for it.

There are lots of little tricks Khorne call pull, I'm just too tired right now to type a lot of them out.

It's funny, I played exactly the same way the OP did when I was Khorne and I still got rocked.

Edit: @ gorehammer

Good on you for playing the only two good cards in Khorne's deck. It sounds like you pretty much played the perfect Khorne and still only won because of Tzeentch's incompetence andlucky breaks though. Seems like more evidence for Khorne being the weakest.

Any more thoughts about Khorne improvements after this play-through? Aside from the obvious "he needs cards that don't suck."