40K RPG Conversion Rules?

By Brother Malachai, in Wrath of the Gods

Is anyone doing conversion rules from this new gaming series (either Fantasy Flight or other GM/Players) to make it compatible 50 Fantasy Flight's 40K RPG Series? I'd love to use the stuff from this new series in the various 40K RPGs.

Well 40k already has a god-emperor facing off against the 4 devils plus some other stuff. What are you bringing over? Or are you saying you want to see how you and your friends would hold up against a tyranid invasion?

I was thinking the Lovecraftian Pantheon & Bestiary personally. Anything else from any of the books would be nice too.

Haha yeah I thought about having my players travel forward in time to the 40K era. That should be good for a laugh and probably a nice one off session for people like us with very short life expectancies in the grim dark future.

Yeah even if you don't immediatly get killed/eaten/possessed/psychic dominated/sucked into the warp /executed/ by aliens/demons/heretics/underhive gangs/mutants/inquisitors, then you would need to find a job in the 40k universe.

At wich point you'lld die of backbreaking labor and or polution.

Oh wait, No. You get lobotomised by the admech because you (in your 21st century ways) forgot to say the proper prayers before turning on some machine.

Yeah even if you don't immediatly get killed/eaten/possessed/psychic dominated/sucked into the warp /executed/ by aliens/demons/heretics/underhive gangs/mutants/inquisitors, then you would need to find a job in the 40k universe.

At wich point you'lld die of backbreaking labor and or polution.

Oh wait, No. You get lobotomised by the admech because you (in your 21st century ways) forgot to say the proper prayers before turning on some machine.

Yep pretty much, playing a servitor is probably not the most thrilling role-playing experience going around :blink:

GM: "So, what do you do this turn, Steve?"

Steve: "The only thing i still CAN do! What my doctorina imperative implants tell me! I walk around and dispense drinks!"

GM: *sniggers*

Steve: "Aaaaagh!"

That aside, Since i've read the new Admech Skitarii codex, i wouldn't mind playing a skitarii: relgious fanatics obsessed with serving the omnissiah/machine god/tech priests/ accuiring data, armed with rad weapons and a bit of body horror (no more eyelids!)

GM: "So, what do you do this turn, Steve?"

Steve: "The only thing i still CAN do! What my doctorina imperative implants tell me! I walk around and dispense drinks!"

GM: *sniggers*

Steve: "Aaaaagh!"

That aside, Since i've read the new Admech Skitarii codex, i wouldn't mind playing a skitarii: relgious fanatics obsessed with serving the omnissiah/machine god/tech priests/ accuiring data, armed with rad weapons and a bit of body horror (no more eyelids!)

Since when did Skitarii become Jeff The Potato-I mean, Killer? (No more eyelids.)

Since GW realised they havent had a codex since EVER and its one more OP army they could market. So GW decided to make up for it by releasing TWO codexes and-ahem i'm getting off track-

Okay back to the question: codex skitarii mentions that skitarii are suposed to be constantly garthering data as well as fighting, so when you join the ranks they slice of your eyelids and put ocular implants filled with blessed salves over your eyeballs to prevent damage and oh god my eyes aargh-stuff.

This is not the only eye scream we get with the new admech: Cult mechanicus gives us electr priests who have so much electricity arcing trough their bodies that their eyeballs explode and drip down their faces. (And they don't mind!)