FFG Software Failue

By emmjay, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

We just finished up our Kansas City IA Regional turnament. FFG sofware was used. By round 4 it was so messed up that was ended up happening was that pairings were entered manually.

The problems faced:

1. Giving a "bye" during a play round to the same person more than once

2. Having the same players paired against each other for a match.

Anyone else having problems with the FFG software?

Which FFG software?

I'm hearing lots of problems. It also scores super byes wrong. I'd recommend not using it.

FFG does not have "software" other than their dice app.

Yes they do. It's the beta of the tournament software.

Yes they do. It's the beta of the tournament software.

Link? I'd like to look over its code.

Its a private beta test for regional stores but you need to play test it even if its buggy run another program they will never be able to fix the problems without testings.

Most programs run just fine but need beta testing to fix a lot of the bugs even Apple and Microsoft have had really buggy beta software in the past. If they really wanted to get good results having stores run the software locally and giving them feedback would be a lot better then a Regional.

I can't give you a link. It's stores running regionals getting it right now. Playtesters have had it for a while. It's nothing special really.

Talk to CrimsonWraith on Stimhack. He ran out CO regionals and had one hiccup with pairings as well, but we managed to do pretty well with.

The new wedding an tiebreakers we used were great, though

Beta software has bugs?

I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

Might be better to feed the bug reports back via the beta program, rather than complain about it on a public forum; seeing as most members of the public don't even know of its existence.

Beta software having bugs is no surprise sure. The surprise for me was that they allowed software in beta to run tournaments of 50+ people. I feel like releasing it at the beginning of store championship season would have been better.

Not everyone is given access to the beta program, so giving feedback on the company's forum is the best we can do.