Prayer of healing question

By Broncko, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Have a little question about my build up cause the OL didnt think it was fair I used my setup the way I did.

We a party of 3 I decided to go disciple healing based.

I made my setup like this for now :

Prayer of healing

Cleasing touch

Holy power

(Armor of faith and Divine fury are next on the wanted list ;) )

The question now is when I use my POH and there is 1 or more adjacent to me I now heal 2 heroes in total (due to HP) :

- When the red power die is rolled I asume both heroes heal the amount that is rolled or do we have to devide the rolled amount between the heroes?

- All the abilities that get actived cause of POH ( CT, AoF and DF) do they count for both heroes or just for 1 hero?

I think that we both heal the amount rolled and all abilities work on both the heroes that are affected by PoH.
How ever the OL is not to sure about this.

So help us out here

Prayer of Healing- Exhaust this card during your turn and choose yourself or an adjacent hero. Roll 1 red power die. The chosen hero recovers hearts equal to the Hearts rolled.

This is the base card.

Cleansing Touch- Adds an effect to PoH that removes a condition from any hero effected.

Holy Power - affects 2 different heroes. So you target 2 heroes but still roll one red die. Also adds fatigue recovery on Surges.

Armor of Faith- Adds a Brown Defense Die to the affected Hero's defense pool until his next turn.

Divine Fury - Adds an extra yellow power die to the affected hero's attack pool. Effect only lasts until hero's next attack and only until the end of the round.

Hope that helps.

Holy Power duplicates the effect of Prayer of Healing. It works the same as before you had tbe card (except for the fatigue recovery), but you choose two heroes to receive all of the benefits instead of one. It is a powerful skill, but that is why it costs 3XP.