Paragon title question

By Zogwort, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Since the extra black die generated come from the card's special ability, can it be rolled for shots further than close range or no?

Yes, covered in the FAQ, the colors/range only counts when you are gathering your initial dice for an attack and doesn't matter for effects that add or modify dice (which is done in a later step).

Does this card card only happen only if the AF at attacks the same ship twice in one activation? Or, can I attack with another ship earlier in the round and the use Paragon to get the additional Black die whe the AF activates?

Does this card card only happen only if the AF at attacks the same ship twice in one activation? Or, can I attack with another ship earlier in the round and the use Paragon to get the additional Black die whe the AF activates?

When an upgrade card says "you" it means specifically the ship the card is on, so "that you already attacked this round" means "that the ship paragon is on already attacked this round".

Right on. Just wanted to make sure of the wording before I go "It says you, as in me, the player.". Haha

I'm not overly fond of Paragon. It's very difficult to maneuver in such a way that allows you to hit a single ship from two hull zones at long range. While it's not difficult at short range, the space whale is very much a long range ship. The title feels out of place.

I'm not overly fond of Paragon. It's very difficult to maneuver in such a way that allows you to hit a single ship from two hull zones at long range. While it's not difficult at short range, the space whale is very much a long range ship. The title feels out of place.

Good pilots will love it, bad ones not :)

Rules Reference Page 13, under "Upgrade Cards" Third bullet from the bottom.

Edited by AdminAnonymous

If I activate a squadron with an order and shoot at a ship, does this count as an attack to trigger the Paragon's ability ?

No. because the Squadron shot.

"You" is the Ship, and the Ship alone.