Preview from Team Covenant

By alpha5099, in General Discussion

Team Covenant put up a video of a spoiler they were given, the plot The Power Behind The Throne. Interesting stuff, and obviously we should start watching the other fansites and podcasts, they likely have some spoilers to share soon as well.

Thanks for heads up, alpha5099.

It's been awhile since I've been this excited for a card game release, heh. :)

Very interesting mechanics. I like both the delayed standing ability of Power Behind the Throne and the restriction to search "top 10 cards" on Summons. It appears this will be a much more balanced version of a great card game. Can't wait for it to be released. What a pity I can't get to GenCon. More spoilers please!

Can anyone read the card number on the TC card?

Can anyone read the card number on the TC card?

Looks like 18. Naval Superiority is 17 and Summoning is 22.

A Feast for Crows is card number 2 (lowest we've seen) and Wildfire Assault is 26 (highest). Looks likely we'll have 28 plots again, like the first edition core.

I found "A Clash of Kings" somewhere and it is number 1 I believe. (Edit: It's in the FFG article.)

Thanks for #18.

Edited by Bullroarer Took

As a guy who hasn't played 1st edition, is this an example of a melee card? Since it's text is useless unless either of the listed traits appear on an opponent's revealed Plot card, I'm guessing the more chances to guess right/get lucky the better. Through my inexperienced eyes, I'm not seeing anything on that card that warrants it being limited to one per Plot deck strictly within the scope of a joust.

As a guy who hasn't played 1st edition, is this an example of a melee card? Since it's text is useless unless either of the listed traits appear on an opponent's revealed Plot card, I'm guessing the more chances to guess right/get lucky the better. Through my inexperienced eyes, I'm not seeing anything on that card that warrants it being limited to one per Plot deck strictly within the scope of a joust.

You are correct that one of the listed traits needs to appear on the opponent's plot card in order for the text on Naval Superiority to be effective.

A true Melee card is one that works on "all opponents" instead of just on a specific player or character, or one that requires you to have more than one opponent. This card is no more effective in Melee than it is in Joust, really, because you have to anticipate when the player you need to hinder the most is going to reveal a plot with the specified traits.

How useful this is will depend on how many plots have the Kingdom or Edict traits. Given that roughly half of the plots we have seen so far with visible traits has at least one of these, it could be very useful. It will also depend on what kind of plots tend to have the Kingdom or Edict traits. For example, if they tend to be high gold, reducing, or "put into play" plots, you know they are more likely to be played early in the game. That makes it easier to predict when to play this card.

And a reduction to 0 gold is a huge effect, especially given the costs we have seen spoiled so far. Limiting to 1 per plot deck in Joust or Melee is undoubtedly a good call. If you get hit by this effect twice in the same game, especially early or twice in a row, you effectively watch your opponent play solitaire all game. Best case scenario is that you will be playing catch-up for a couple of rounds. Assuming that one-third to one-half of the plots can be hit by this, the limit to 1 per plot deck is particularly important within the scope of Joust, where severely limiting the amount of resources your one opponent has to work with for two rounds gives you all but free-reign of the board. In Melee, it is more likely that at least one opponent will not be hit by the plot effect as severely and can pose a threat on the board.

Naval Superiority looks like a good plot that is well balanced. How good it is will depend on the number and nature of Kingdom and Edict plots, but from what we have seen so far, people will be playing them, and in fairly predictable ways.

They discussed the flavor of the card. That makes me so happy, I can barely stand it!

Can anyone read the card number on the TC card?

Looks like 18. Naval Superiority is 17 and Summoning is 22.

A Feast for Crows is card number 2 (lowest we've seen) and Wildfire Assault is 26 (highest). Looks likely we'll have 28 plots again, like the first edition core.

Since it's playable for 4 players out of the box, 28 plots is the minimum. Each player takes one faction, shuffles the non-Loyal cards from another faction in, 7 plots per player.

Just realized that the numbers for the plots are in alphabetical order:

1. A Clash of Kings

2. A Feast for Crows

3. A Game of Thrones

4. A Noble Cause

5. A Storm of Swords



8. Calm Over Westeros


10. Counting Coppers

11. Filthy Accusations


13. Heads on Pikes (somewhere around here)



16. Marched to the Wall (somewhere around here)

17. Naval Superiority

18. Power Behind the Throne


20. Reinforcements


22. Summons


24. (Valar would be here if it's still in the game)

25. The Winds of Winter

26. Wildfire Assault



I think that's all the plots we know. There's one more in the preview video, but all we can see is the art (it looks like Nymeria attacking Joffrey).

Edited by alpha5099

13 for "Heads on Spikes" is correct.

16 is my guess for "Marched to the Wall" as well.

Summons has nbr 22.

13 for "Heads on Spikes" is correct.

16 is my guess for "Marched to the Wall" as well.

Summons has nbr 22.

Thanks for Summons, knew I was forgetting something.

"Marched to the Wall" is 15.

You can see it clearer in the video once "The Winds of Winter" flips on top of it, fyi. Valar?

If there is a Valar (and it would be crazy if not!), it would have to be a number after Summons (22) and before Winds of Winter (25) - who knows, we might get both Dohaeris and Morghulis!

You're making assumptions that everything will be alphabetical. In the past, things have suddenly jumped out of alphabetical order because something was changed near the end of the development cycle.

You're making assumptions that everything will be alphabetical. In the past, things have suddenly jumped out of alphabetical order because something was changed near the end of the development cycle.

True. Amended observation: all of the plots so far have been alphabetical.

You're making assumptions that everything will be alphabetical. In the past, things have suddenly jumped out of alphabetical order because something was changed near the end of the development cycle.

As long as Lady Daenerys' Chambers isn't randomly stuck in at the end of the Neutrals.

And he's removed from play, that means you can play another copy of Varys, right?

And he's removed from play, that means you can play another copy of Varys, right?

Yeah. Assuming it works the same way in 2.0 as it did in 1.0, as long as he's not in the dead pile, you can play another copy of him after you use his ability.

Edited by Bomb