A few small questions...

By Dainank, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest - Rules Questions

Question 1: How many times can you trigger an action per phase?

Question 2: After the ranged combat round, do all ranged units who attacked get to 'ready' in the normal combat round?

Thank You!

Question 1: As many times as the action permits, and as many actions as you want to/can pay for, but you alternate with your opponent (after each action, they have the opportunity to trigger an action as well, then back to you, until you both pass in succession ).

Question 2: No, they wait until the entire combat round ends, and can fight normally in the next combat round (as there is no Ranged round after the first combat round).

Edited by CommissarFeesh

Question 1: Just to make sure - because people don't always appreciate the difference at first glance - the answer CommissarFeesh gave is true and correct for "Action" card abilities (including "Deploy Action," "Combat Action," etc.). It is not true for "Reaction" and "Interrupt" card abilities, which can only be triggered once per triggering condition.

Of course, reactions and interrupts are not "Actions," so this doesn't really address the original question at all. But I felt the compulsive need to mention it because a lot of people try to treat reactions an interrupts like actions.

OK Thank You, both ktom and CommissarFeesh for the help, but it still isn't clear how a normal action works? Can you simply spam it?

There are Action Windows dotted through-out the phases of play - when one turns up, the person with initiative gets to decide whether or not to do an action. Once they've either passed or done an action, the other player then gets the same decision. Once they've decided, it then goes back to the player with initiative, and you rinse and repeat.

So, Actions can be done as many times as possible, given you meet the criteria that ktom mentions, but you can only trigger it once at a time. So yeah, you may have an action that you can do ad infinitum, but you can only do it one instance at a time, doing it once, then waiting for your opponent to do something, then doing it again.

If your opponent keeps passing then yeah you can essentially 'spam' the action until you've done everything you wanted to do, but the technical 'etiquette' of play is one action, then opponents action, then your next action and so on until both players pass in secession.

If that clears up your confusion?

I think what he means by "spam it" is this:

"If I have a card that says something like, 'Combat Action: Pay 1 resource to exhaust a target non-Warlord unit.', can I pay 3 resources and exhaust 3 units all at once?"

If that is indeed the question, the answer is "No."

When you trigger an Action, you can only pay the cost exactly as written (1 resource in the above hypothetical) and get the effect exactly as written (exhausting a target non-Warlord unit in the above example). If the effect is on an event, that's going to be it because the card goes to the discard pile and won't be in your hand to trigger again. If the effect is on a unit, support or attachment in play, you can trigger it again (at your next chance to use an action), but again, only exactly as written.

The point is, when you trigger an action, you do exactly what is written on the card. If you want the effect of the action multiple times, you have to trigger it multiple times. The other answers above explain the implications of having to trigger the action multiple times (instead of multiplying both the costs and the effects for a single trigger). Effectively, if you want the effect of an action 3 times, you have to multiple everything by 3 - the cost, the effect, and the number of times you trigger the action.

Thank You ktom, that is what I meant!