Tulsa Regional EYY Top 8

By TasteTheRainbow, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Yea Gavin is a unique player. I've beaten lots of Chirpy/Whisper lists, but that suicide chirpy is a whole different animal.

I remember when our game ended one of you guys had some damage on Xizor and I thought it was Jonathan. Was it really just initiative you think?

Yea Gavin is a unique player. I've beaten lots of Chirpy/Whisper lists, but that suicide chirpy is a whole different animal.

I remember when our game ended one of you guys had some damage on Xizor and I thought it was Jonathan. Was it really just initiative you think?

Yeah it was Jonathan. My Xizor went completely untouched.

I would say the game was a toss-up. Initiative might've helped, hard to say. I got some good blocks in, but we still ended up basically trading Z for Z each turn, even with mine having focus and his not. Came down to a Xizor duel and I had taken some range 1 shots at his Xizor early on when 3 and 4 dice were enough to overwhelm his ability. Came down to my healthy Xizor chasing his wounded one. At that point he had to fly defensively.

Overall I'd say it was a coin flip that decided who won. I could easily see it going the other way.

Please forgive me if this is not the place to ask this question -- but did you give any thought about using the R5-P9 Droid (focus to recover shield) instead of the proximity mine on the second Y-wing?

I understand the role the prox mine plays -- I'm a big believer in equipping bombs myself -- but given the fact that if you're able to double stress, and, potentially, two chances to ion a target a turn, it stands to reason you could have a turn or two in which you could stand to save a focus token to regen a shield.

It'd be interesting to hear your thoughts on the matter, as I think your list has a lot of merit, and is something I plan on running myself in the near future.

Edited by DoABarrelRoll

Since they shoot twice I think the odds of a leftover focus are pretty low. That ship is sort of the bait. I want them to try to kill it. And when they do it usually went down hard in two turns. I would probably do a generic r2 and a flechette as my second-choice option.

Like I said above the prox was there for Fel...I just never saw him.

Another good option for that second slot is actually a Bwing. If I drop the engine to a hull I can get either an fcs blue with ion or and fcs blue with tactician.

With all the mangler running around I think that might be at least as solid an option as the prox Y.

Another good option for that second slot is actually a Bwing. If I drop the engine to a hull I can get either an fcs blue with ion or and fcs blue with tactician.

With all the mangler running around I think that might be at least as solid an option as the prox Y.

Given all the PTSD associated with BBBBZ out there these days I think running a B wing with Ion or Tactician would serve as a decent decoy.

Here's a question for you/the group.

If you run a 25 point b-wing (PS2, with with Ion Cannon or E2+tactician) do I stick enchanced scopes on him to guarantee his action/first move? or do i keep leave it, keep the list at 99 (keeping everything else the same) and hope for initiative?

1 point initiative would be worth more IMO.

If you have tactician, I wouldn't want enhanced scopes because you can try to use barrel roll to get Range 2 after your opponent moves (PS 2 and below).