... What are you hoping to achieve here?
- MJ: MathWing shoes that, if the PS1 TIE Interceptor isn't viable, then the PS2 X-Wing isn't viable either.
- FTS: I hate that MJ uses MathWing to declare ships as being "not viable".
- MJ: I never said that...
- FTS: Ok then... DO you think the PS1 TIE Interceptor and PS2 X-Wing are competitively viable?
- MJ: No, I don't think they're viable.
- FTS: Ha! I knew it!
- MJ: ...
Mathwing shoes? One! One shoe! AH AH AH AH! Two! Two shoes! AH AH AH AH!
Sorry, just a little poke at what was probably autocorrect.