No, I don't think that's Mathwing. Mathwing is about producing models of efficiency to predict the strongest combos of lists to play with.
What you're talking about is good old fashioned data collection and anaylizing. I'm pretty sure that that's not mathwing's primary goal...
I think that you are also conflating jousting values with the larger effort. People latch onto jousting values because it's a single number, but jousting values are not the be-all, end-all of MathWing.
Nope I don't think I'm confusing jousting values with the larger effort, but I do feel that what did in your post I commented on was inflate what Mathwing is. Mathwing is the analysis of data collection. So don't say that Mathwing is "giving the devs accurate, relevant feedback' (the words I spoke to). Mathwing might be a tool that could be used by the devs, but the reality of Mathwing is that it's a tool players are using to make decisions on which lists they're going to use.
I understand Mathwing. I'm just not a proponent of it, and I don't like seeing it be claimed to be something it's not. Data collection is data collection. Mathwing is analysis done by players based on data collection. It's not providing feedback to the devs thats at the heart of mathwing, the heart of mathwing is choosing efficient lists to win games.
(edit for spelling)
Edited by jkokura